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내각의 부처
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: 농림부
The Ministry of Construction and Transportation: 건설교통부
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism: 문화관광부
The Ministry of National Defense: 국방부
The Ministry of Education: 교육부
The Ministry of Environment: 환경부
The Ministry of Finance and Economy: 재정경제부
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: 외교 통상부
The Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs: 행정자치부
The Ministry of Health and Welfare: 보건복지부
The Ministry of Information and Communication: 정보통신부
The Ministry of Justice: 법무부
The Ministry of Labor: 노동부
The Ministry of Science and Technology: 과학기술부
The Ministry of Unification: 통일부
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy: 산업 자원부
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries: 해양수산부
The Ministry of Budget and Planning: 기획 예산처
Central Personnel Management Commission: 중앙인사위
Public Information Office: 국정홍보처

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