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aluminum 〔´æljum´ini∂m〕 알루미늄
aluminum 1. 알루미늄 2. 알루미늄의
이 알루미늄캔은 재생해서 쓸 수 있습니다.
This aluminum can is recyclable.
Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the crust of the Earth,
but the nonmetals oxygen and silicon are still more abundant.
알미늄은 지각에서 가장 흔한 금속이다. 그러나 비금속인 산소와
실리콘이 훨씬 더 풍부하다.
They say uou shouldn't drop cigarette ashes in aluminum cans.
담뱃재를 알루미늄 캔 안에다가는 떨지 말래요.
Behind aluminum's versatility lie properties so diverse that they almost seem to
belong to several different metals.
알루미늄이 이토록 여러가지 용도에 사용될 수 있는 것은 알루미늄의
속성 때문인데, 이러한 속성은 너무도 다양해서 마치 수 개의 다른 광물의
속성 같아보일 정도다.
Aluminum is more durable than plastic, but can be damaged by bending it out shape.
알루미늄은 플라스틱보다 더 내구성이 좋지만 구부리면 모양이 상한다.
alloy N. a special mixture of different metals.
Aluminum alloy is an engineer's lighter alternative to steel.
A few days ago, a conference-to which we were not invited-was held
in London between certain Korean trading interests and purchasing
executives from major companies in your area. This has prompted us to
you again with particular reference to supplying aluminum pressure and
gravity diecast components.
당사는 초대되지 않았지만 며칠 전 런던에서 한국 무역업자들과 귀지(貴地)의
주요상사 구매담당 이사들간에 회의가 열렸습니다. 그래서 알루미늄 압력기와
중력 다이캐스트 부품공급에 관해 다시 편지를 드리게 되었습니다.
This has prompted us to write agin [이것으로 인해 다시 편지를 드립니다]
with particular reference to~ [특히 ~에 관해서]
[百] 알루미늄배트 aluminum bat
[百] 식용색소적색 제2호 알루미늄레이크 Food Red No.2 Aluminum Lake
[百] 알루미늄족원소 (-族元素) aluminum family element
[百] 산화알루미늄 (酸化─) aluminum oxide
[百] 알루미늄교 aluminum bridge
[百] 알루미늄 다이캐스팅 aluminum alloy for diecastings
[百] 고망가니즈알루미늄청동 (高─靑銅) high manganese aluminum bronze
[百] 조일알미늄(주) Choil Aluminum Co., Ltd.
[百] (주)남선알미늄 Namsun Aluminum Co., Ltd.
[百d] 알루미늄 [ aluminum, Al ]
[百d] 알루미늄박 [ ─ 箔, aluminum foil ]
[百d] 아메리카알루미늄회사 [ ─ 會社, Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa,알코아 ]
aluminum 알루미늄
The hard, rigid plates that form the outermost portion of the Earth are
about 100 kilometers thick. These plates include both the Earth's crust
and the upper mantle. The rocks of the crust are composed mostly of
minerals with light elements, like aluminum and sodium, while the mantle
contains some heavier elements, like iron and magnesium. Together, the
crust and upper mantle that form the surface plates are called the
lithosphere. This rigid layer floats on the denser material of the lower
mantle the way a wooden raft floats on a pond.
지구의 가장 바깥 부분을 형성하는 단단하고 굳은 지판들은 약 100 km 의
두께이다. 이 지판들은 지구의 지각과 상부맨틀을 포함한다. 지각의 바위들은
알루미늄이나 나트륨 같은 가벼운 원소를 가진 광물질들로 주로 구성되며,
한편 맨틀은 철이나 마그네슘 같이 무거운 원소들을 포함한다. 지표의
지판들을 형성하고있는 지각과 상부맨틀은 암석권(lithosphere)라고 불린다.
이 굳은 층은 나무 뗏목이 연못에 떠있는 것과 같은 방식으로 하부맨틀의
밀도 높은 물질 위에 떠 있는 것이다.
Modern barbed wire is made from mild steel, high-tensile steel, or
aluminum. Mild steel and aluminum barbed wire have two strands twisted
together to form a cable which is stronger than single-strand wire and
less affected by temperature changes. Single-strand wire, round or oval,
is made from high-tensile steel with the barbs crimped or welded on. The
steel wires used are galvanized ― coated with zinc to make them
현대의 철조망은, 일반강철, 고장력 강철, 또는 알루미늄으로 만들어진다.
일반강철이나 알루미늄으로 만든 철조망은 두 개의 가닥을 꼬아서, 한 가닥의
철사보다 강하고 온도변화에도 영향을 덜 받는 하나의 케이블을 만든다.
(단면이) 원형이나 타원형인, 한 가닥짜리 철조망은 고장력 강철로부터
만들어지는데, 가시가 구부려서 끼워지거나 용접이 되어 붙여진다. 사용되는
강철 철사는 아연도금(galvanize)이 되는데, 즉, 녹스는 것을 방지하기 위해
아연이 입혀진다.
Discovered a mere one hundred fifty years ago and manufactured commercially
half that long, aluminum today ranks behind only iron and steel among metels
serving mankind. The key to its popularity is its increadible versatility. The
same metal that makes kitchen foil serves as armor for battle field tanks. The
material of lawn chairs baseball bats also forms the vital parts of air and
space vehicles-most of their skeletons, their skins, even the rivets that bind
them together.
불과 150년 전에 발견되었고 상업적으로 제조된 것은 이 기간의 반밖에 안되었지만,
알루미늄은 오늘날 쇠와 강철 다음으로 많이 인류에 봉사하는 금속에 속한다. 이토록
인기가 있는 열쇠는 믿을 수 없을 정도로 여러가지로 이용된다는 점이다. 이 금속은
부엌 창문의 장식용으로 쓰이는가 하면 전쟁터의 탱크를 위한 장갑으로도 이용되며,
잔디밭의 의자와 야구 방망이의 재료가 돠는가 하면 비행기와 우주선의 중요한 부분을
만드는 데에 사용되기도 한다-이들의 대부분의 뼈대와 외피 뿐만 아니라, 심지어
이들을 묶어주는 대갈못까지도.
Behind aluminum's versatility lie properties so diverse that they almost seem
to belong to several different metals. For example, in its pure form, aluminum
is soft enoph to whittle.
알루미늄의 다용도 뒤에는 여러가지 특질이 놓여 있는데, 이러한 특질은 너무도
다양해서 마치 수개의 다른 금속에 속하는 것이나 거의 다름없이 보인다. 예를 들어,
순수한 형태일 때에는 깎아낼 수 있을 정도로 부드럽다.
Yet its alloys can possess the strength of steel, with only a third of its weight.
Thus, when Alexander Calder designed one of his last mobiles-a soaring
creation eighty feet long-his choice of aluminum over steel cut two tons
from its weight. Alumnium also assures the masterpiece virtual immortality.
The instance the metal is exposed to air, its surface aquires a
transparent film that seals the interior against further corrosion.
그러나 알루미늄 합금은 강철과 같이 강하지만 무게는 강철의 3분의 1에 지나지 않는다.
그리하여, 알렉싼더 콜더가 그의 마지막 조각품 가운데 하나를 설계했을 때-그것은
솟아오르는 것 같은 창작물로 길이가 80피트였는데-강철을 제쳐놓고 알루미늄을
택함으로써 무게를 2톤 줄였다. 알루미늄은 또한 이 걸잘품에 사실상 영구성을
보장해 주는 것이나 다름없다. 이 금속은 공기에 노출되는 순간에 표면에 투명한
막이 생겨서 그 내부가 더이상 잠식되지 않도록 막아준다.
Grissom, I got the prelims back on that swab
반장님, 사막에서 발견된 사체에서 제가 채취한
I took off our desert guy.
구강샘플에 대한 예비 보고서를 받았어요
Products found in mouth and nose.
입술과 코에서 발견한 물질 말인데요
Mentholated nose spray.
멘톨 성분이 추가된 코 분무제
Patchouli. And aluminum.
파촐리와 알루미늄이요
Nose Spray... he had a cold?
코 분무제? 감기에 걸렸었군
Patchouli... they burn it at music stores...
파촐리 경우 음반 가게에서 향기나도록 그걸 태우는가 봐요
... Aluminum's the odd-man out.
알루미늄은 조사해봐야겠어
Yeah. I'm getting Trace putting a list together of products made with the stuff.
네. 분석실에 알루미늄으로 만든 제품 목록을 만들어 달라고 할 거예요
Hey guys.
List came back from the test on aluminum products from our id in the desert.
사막에 있던 아이에게서 나온 알루미늄 물질에 대한 테스트 결과가 나왔어요
불꽃놀이에 쓰는 거예요
That's where Bobby Taylor works.
바비 테일러가 일하는 곳이야
I need a mold of Eric's teeth and an impression of Bobby's arm.
에릭의 치아 모형이 필요해 그리고 바비의 팔에 있는 상처 자국도
Julia, make a fist for me with your right hand.
줄리아, 오른손을 주먹 쥐어 볼래요?
The evidence tells us that Bobby suffocated Eric.
바비가 에릭을 질식시켜 죽였다는 증거를 찾아냈어요
We found traces of aluminum trapped in Eric's nostrils
에릭의 콧구멍에서 소량의 알루미늄이 검출됐습니다
that are consistent with what we found on your client's hands and arms, earlier today.
오늘 아침 당신 고객의 손과 팔에서 발견한 것과 일치하더군요
From his job at the fireworks plant.
화기 전문점에서 일하고 있어서 묻어 있던 거죠
I don't think I would do that...
내가 그랬다는 걸 믿을 수가 없어요
I know Bobby,
나도 안단다, 바비
but you did.
하지만 네가 그런 거야
You find the bomber by understanding the bomb.
폭탄을 알아야 폭탄 테러범을 찾을 수 있어
Fortunately, Catherine pieced together figured out the exterior container.
운 좋게도 캐서린이 외부용기가 무엇인지 알아냈어
Aluminum briefcase.
알루미늄 서류가방이죠
- And we know the timing device. - Snoozewell.
- 그리고 시한장치도 알아냈지 - 스누즈웰사 것이죠
- And the propellant? - Black gunpowder.
- 그리고 촉발제는? - 검은 화약이죠
Here you go.
Top of the line, 3-speed, aluminum frame, handlebar ribbons, and a bell,
최신형이고 기어 3단에 알루미늄 프레임 핸들에 리본, 벨도 있네
and you'll notice it's royal blue to match your pretty little eyes.
네 예쁜 푸른색 눈이랑 꼭 어울리네
My eyes are green.
제 눈은 녹색이에요
Yeah, well, you'll be cruising so fast on this, no one will even notice.
그래, 뭐 네가 이걸 타고 빨리 달리면 아무도 눈치 못챌거야
It's all yours, hon.
전부 네 것이니까
Have fun.
재밌게 타렴
알루미늄 제련, 정련 및 합금 제조업
Manufacture of smelting, refining and alloys of aluminum
알루미늄 압연, 압출 및 연신제품 제조업
Manufacture of aluminum products by rolling, extrusion and drawing
알루미늄주물 주조업
Casting of aluminum
고순도 분말의 것(산화알루미늄 함유량이 100분의 99.99(4N) 이상이며, 알갱이의 크기가 0.1마이크로미터 이상 1.0마이크로미터 이하인 것으로 한정한다)
Of high purity powder, containing 99.99%(4N) or more of aluminum oxide, having a grain-size of 0.1㎛ or more but not exceeding 1.0㎛
광류 Ores
철광석 Iron ore
티타늄광석 Titanium ore
우라늄광석 Uranium ore
동광석 Copper ore
알루미늄광석 Aluminum ore
니켈광석 Nickel ore
은광석 Silver ore
연광석 Lead ore
아연광석 Zinc ore
비금속 Base Metals
슬래그 및 회 Slag or ash
천연그래파이트 Natural graphite
강 Steel
알루미늄 Aluminum
니켈 Nickel
비스무트 Bismuth
안티몬 Antimony
알루미늄기 초합금 Aluminum based alloys
7178 합금 7178 alloy
전이금속 Transition metals
악티늄(Ac) Actinium Ac
알루미늄(Al) Aluminum Al
아메리슘(Am) Americium Am
안티모니(Sb) Antimony Sb
버클륨(Bk) Berkelium Bk
비스무트(Bi) Bismuth Bi
카드뮴(Ca) Cadmium Ca
칼리포늄(Cf) Californium Cf
크롬(Cr) Chromium Cr
실리콘 Silicones
알루미나 및 기타 알루미늄 화합물 Alumina and other aluminum compounds
과망간산칼륨 Potassium permanganate
포장용캔 Packaging cans
에어로졸캔 Aerosol cans
페인트또는바니시용캔 Paint or varnish cans
음료수캔 Beverage cans
식료품캔 Food cans
강철캔 Steel cans
알루미늄캔 Aluminum cans
플라스틱캔 Plastic cans
트롤리선 Trolley wire
지하전선 Underground wire
실리콘석면전선 Silicon asbestos SA wire
나동선 Copper wire
동피복알루미늄선 Copper clad aluminum wire
앵글 Angles
철합금 앵글 Ferrous alloy angles
비철합금 앵글 Non ferrous alloy angles
철앵글 Iron angles
ㄱ형강 Steel angles
스테인리스강앵글 Stainless steel angles
알루미늄앵글 Aluminum angles
마그네슘앵글 Magnesium angles
티타늄앵글 Titanium angles
구리앵글 Copper angles
봉 Bar
철합금 봉 Ferrous alloy bars
비철합금 봉 Non ferrous alloy bars
철봉 Iron bars
봉강 Steel bars
스테인리스봉강 Stainless steel bars
알루미늄봉 Aluminum bars
마그네슘봉 Magnesium bars
티타늄봉 Titanium bars
구리봉 Copper bars
빔 Beams
철합금 빔 Ferrous alloy beams
비철합금 빔 Non ferrous alloy beams
철빔 Iron beams
철강빔 Steel beams
스테인리스강빔 Stainless steel beams
알루미늄빔 Aluminum beams
마그네슘빔 Magnesium beams
티타늄빔 Titanium beams
구리빔 Copper beams
ㄷ형강, 찬넬 Channels
철합금 찬넬 Ferrous alloy channels
비철합금 찬넬 Non ferrous alloy channels
철 찬넬 Iron channels
철강 찬넬 Steel channels
스테인리스강찬넬 Stainless steel channels
알루미늄 찬넬 Aluminum channels
마그네슘 찬넬 Magnesium channels
티타늄 찬넬 Titanium channels
구리 찬넬 Copper channels
코일 Coil
철합금 코일 Ferrous alloy coil
비철합금 코일 Non ferrous alloy coil
철코일 Iron coil
철강코일 Steel coil
스테인리스강코일 Stainless steel coil
알루미늄코일 Aluminum coil
마그네슘코일 Magnesium coil
티타늄코일 Titanium coil
구리코일 Copper coil
박 Foil
철합금 박 Ferrous alloy foil
비철합금 박 Non ferrous alloy foil
철박 Iron foil
강박 Steel foil
스테인리스강박 Stainless steel foil
알루미늄박 Aluminum foil
마그네슘박 Magnesium foil
티타늄박 Titanium foil
동박 Copper foil
판 Plate
철합금 판 Ferrous alloy plate
비철합금 판 Non ferrous plate
철판 Iron plate
강판 Steel plate
스테인리스강판 Stainless steel plate
알루미늄판 Aluminum plate
마그네슘판 Magnesium plate
티타늄판 Titanium plate
동판 Copper plate
프로파일 Profiles
철합금 프로파일 Ferrous alloy profiles
비철합금 프로파일 Non ferrous alloy profiles
철프로파일 Iron profiles
강프로파일 Steel profiles
스테인리스강프로파일 Stainless steel profiles
알루미늄프로파일 Aluminum profiles
마그네슘프로파일 Magnesium profiles
티타늄프로파일 Titanium profiles
동프로파일 Copper profiles
선재 Rod
철합금 막대 Ferrous alloy rods
비철합금 막대 Non ferrous alloy rods
철막대 Iron rods
철강막대 Steel rods
스테인리스막대 Stainless steel rods
알루미늄막대 Aluminum rods
마그네슘막대 Magnesium rods
티타늄막대 Titanium rods
구리막대 Copper rods
박판 Sheet
철합금 박판 Ferrous alloy sheet
비철합금 박판 Non ferrous alloy sheet
철박판 Iron sheet
철강박판 Steel sheet
스테인리스박판 Stainless steel sheet
알루미늄박판 Aluminum sheet
마그네슘박판 Magnesium sheet
티타늄박판 Titanium sheet
동박판 Copper sheet
(광폭강)대 Strip
철합금 세편 Ferrous alloy strip
비철합금 세편 Non ferrous alloy strip
철세편 Iron strip
철강세편 Steel strip
스테인리스협폭강대 Stainless steel strip
알루미늄세편 Aluminum strip
마그네슘세편 Magnesium strip
티타늄세편 Titanium strip
동세편 Copper strip
파일 Piling
알루미늄파일 Aluminum pilings
콘크리트파일 Concrete pilings
강시판 Steel pilings
레일 Rails
철강레일 Steel rail
알루미늄레일 Aluminum rail
금속레일 Metal rail
그레이팅 Grating
스틸그레이팅 Steel grating
스테인리스강그레이팅 Stainless steel grating
알루미늄그레이팅 Aluminum grating
유리섬유그레이팅 Fiberglass grating
철제그레이팅 Iron grating
플라스틱그레이팅 Plastic grating
적층 격자 Laminated grating
빌레트 Billets
알루미늄빌레트 Aluminum billet
황동빌레트 Brass billet
청동빌레트 Bronze billets
동빌레트 Copper billets
납빌레트 Lead billets
아연빌레트 Zinc billets
강빌레트 Steel billets
티타늄빌레트 Titanium billets
마그네슘빌레트 Magnesium billets
주괴 Ingots
알루미늄주괴 Aluminum ingots
황동주괴 Brass ingots
납주괴 Lead ingots
아연주괴 Zinc ingots
강괴 Steel ingots
마그네슘주괴 Magnesium ingots
청동주괴 Bronze ingots
동주괴 Copper ingots
티타늄주괴 Titanium ingots
코아 Honeycomb core
알루미늄봉소직심형 Aluminum honeycomb core
마그네슘봉소직심형 Magnesium honeycomb core
발포봉소직심형 Foam honeycomb core
플라스틱봉소직심형 Plastic honeycomb core
목재봉소직심형 Wooden honeycomb core
철금속 봉소직심형 Ferrous metal honeycomb core
청동봉소직심형 Bronze honeycomb core
구리봉소직심형 Copper honeycomb core
철강봉소직심형 Steel honeycomb core
금속 섬유 및 필라멘트 Metallic fibers and filaments
강철섬유 Steel fiber
양철섬유 Tin fiber
알루미늄섬유 Aluminum fiber
합금섬유 Alloy fiber
다이캐스팅 Die castings
알루미늄다이캐스팅 Aluminum die castings
철합금 다이캐스팅 Ferrous alloy die castings
철다이캐스팅 Iron die castings
비철합금 다이캐스팅 Non ferrous alloy die castings
스테인리스강다이캐스팅 Stainless steel die castings
강다이캐스팅 Steel die castings
마그네슘다이캐스팅 Magnesium die castings
아연다이캐스팅 Zinc die castings
주석다이캐스팅 Tin die castings
사형주물 Sand castings
비철합금 사형주조주물 Non ferrous alloy sand castings
철합금 사형주조주물 Ferrous alloy sand castings
스틸샌드캐스팅 Steel sand castings
스테인리스강사형주조주물 Stainless steel sand castings
사철주물 Iron sand castings
알루미늄사형주조주물 Aluminum sand castings
마그네슘사형주조주물 Magnesium sand castings
티타늄사형주조주물 Titanium sand castings
베릴륨사형주조주물 Beryllium sand castings
영구주형주물 Permanent mold castings
비철합금 영구주형주물 Non ferrous alloy permanent mold castings
철합금 영구주형주물 Ferrous alloy permanent mold castings
강영구주형주물 Steel permanent mold castings
스테인리스영구주형주물 Stainless steel permanent mold castings
철영구주형주물 Iron permanent mold castings
알루미늄영구주형주물 Aluminum permanent mold castings
마그네슘영구주형주물 Magnesium permanent mold castings
티타늄영구주형주물 Titanium permanent mold castings
베릴륨영구주형주물 Beryllium permanent mold castings
셸주형주물 Shell mold castings
비철합금 셸주형주물 Non ferrous alloy shell mold castings
철합금 셸주형주물 Ferrous alloy shell mold castings
강셸주형주물 Steel shell mold castings
스테인리스강셸주형주물 Stainless steel shell mold castings
철셸주형주물 Iron shell mold castings
알루미늄셸주형주물 Aluminum shell mold castings
마그네슘셸주형주물 Magnesium shell mold castings
티타늄셸주형주물 Titanium shell mold castings
베릴륨셸주형주물 Beryllium shell mold castings
매몰주물,정밀주물 Investment castings
비철합금 매몰주물 Non ferrous alloy investment castings
철합금 매몰주물 Ferrous alloy investment castings
강매몰주물 Steel investment castings
스테인리스 매몰 주물 Stainless steel investment castings
철매몰주물 Iron investment castings
알루미늄매몰주물 Aluminum investment castings
마그네슘매몰주물 Magnesium investment castings
아연매몰주물 Zinc investment castings
주석매몰주물 Tin investment castings
원심주물 Centrifugal castings
비철합금 원심주조주물 Non ferrous alloy centrifugal castings
철합금 원심주조주물 Ferrous alloy centrifugal castings
강원심주조주물 Steel centrifugal castings
스테인리스강원심주조주물 Stainless steel centrifugal castings
철원심주조주물 Iron centrifugal castings
알루미늄원심주조주물 Aluminum centrifugal castings
마그네슘원심주조주물 Magnesium centrifugal castings
티타늄원심주조주물 Titanium centrifugal castings
베릴륨원심주조주물 Beryllium centrifugal castings
세라믹주형주물 Ceramic mold castings
비철합금 세라믹주형주물 Non ferrous alloy ceramic mold castings
철합금 세라믹주형주물 Ferrous alloy ceramic mold castings
강세라믹주형주물 Steel ceramic mold castings
스테인리스강세라믹주형주물 Stainless steel ceramic mold castings
철세라믹주형주물 Iron ceramic mold castings
알루미늄세라믹주형주물 Aluminum ceramic mold castings
마그네슘세라믹주형주물 Magnesium ceramic mold castings
티타늄세라믹주형주물 Titanium ceramic mold castings
베릴륨세라믹주형주물 Beryllium ceramic mold castings
흑연주형주물 Graphite mold castings
비철합금 흑연주형주물 Non ferrous alloy graphite mold castings
철합금 흑연주형주물 Ferrous alloy graphite mold castings
강흑연주형주물 Steel graphite mold castings
스테인리스흑연주형주물 Stainless steel graphite mold castings
철흑연주형주물 Iron graphite mold castings
알루미늄흑연주형주물 Aluminum graphite mold castings
마그네슘흑연주형주물 Magnesium graphite mold castings
티타늄흑연주형주물 Titanium graphite mold castings
베릴륨흑연주형주물 Beryllium graphite mold castings
석고주형주물 Plaster mold castings
비철합금 석고주형주물 Non ferrous alloy plaster mold castings
철합금 석고주형주물 Ferrous alloy plaster mold castings
강석고주형주물 Steel plaster mold castings
스테인리스석고주형주물 Stainless steel plaster mold castings
철석고주형주물 Iron plaster mold castings
알루미늄석고주형주물 Aluminum plaster mold castings
마그네슘석고주형주물 Magnesium plaster mold castings
티타늄석고주형주물 Titanium plaster mold castings
베릴륨석고주형주물 Beryllium plaster mold castings
감압주형주조물 V process castings
감압주형 비철합금주물 Non ferrous alloy v process castings
감압주형 철합금주물 Ferrous alloy v process castings
감압주형주물강 Steel v process castings
감압주형스테인리스주물 Stainless steel v process castings
감압주형철주물 Iron v process castings
감압주형알루미늄주물 Aluminum v process castings
감압주형마그네슘주물 Magnesium v process castings
감압주형티타늄주물 Titanium v process castings
감압주형베릴륨주물 Beryllium v process castings
이형압출성형품 Profile extrusions
알루미늄이형압출성형품 Aluminum profile extrusions
베릴륨이형압출성형품 Beryllium profile extrusions
황동이형압출성형품 Brass profile extrusions
청동이형압출성형품 Bronze profile extrusions
구리이형압출성형품 Copper profile extrusions
철합금 이형압출성형품 Ferrous alloy profile extrusions
납이형압출성형품 Lead profile extrusions
마그네슘이형압출성형품 Magnesium profile extrusions
비철합금 이형압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy profile extrusions
충격압출성형품 Impact extrusions
알루미늄충격압출성형품 Aluminum impact extrusions
베릴륨충격압출성형품 Beryllium impact extrusions
황동충격압출성형품 Brass impact extrusions
청동충격압출성형품 Bronze impact extrusions
구리충격압출성형품 Copper impact extrusions
철합금 충격압출성형품 Ferrous alloy impact extrusions
납충격압출성형품 Lead impact extrusions
마그네슘충격압출성형품 Magnesium impact extrusions
비철합금 충격압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy impact extrusions
냉간압출성형품 Cold extrusions
알루미늄냉간압출성형품 Aluminum cold extrusions
베릴륨냉간압출성형품 Beryllium cold extrusions
황동냉간압출성형품 Brass cold extrusions
청동냉간압출성형품 Bronze cold extrusions
구리냉간압출성형품 Copper cold extrusions
철합금 냉간압출성형품 Ferrous alloy cold extrusions
납냉간압출성형품 Lead cold extrusions
마그네슘냉간압출성형품 Magnesium cold extrusions
비철합금 냉간압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy cold extrusions
기계식감압주형주물 Machined v process castings
비철합금 감압주형주물 Non ferrous alloy v process machined castings
철합금 감압주형주물 Ferrous alloy v process machined castings
기계식감압주형주물강 Steel v process machined castings
감압주형주조스테인리스강 Stainless steel v process machined castings
기계식감압주형주물철 Iron v process machined castings
알루미늄감압주형주물 Aluminum v process machined castings
마그네슘감압주형주물 Magnesium v process machined castings
티타늄감압주형주물 Titanium v process machined castings
베릴륨감압주형주물 Beryllium v process machined castings
기계식다이캐스팅 Machined die castings
알루미늄가공다이캐스팅 Aluminum die machined castings
철합금 가공다이캐스팅 Ferrous alloy die machined castings
기계식철다이캐스팅주물 Iron die machined castings
비철합금 가공다이캐스팅 Non ferrous alloy die machined castings
스테인리스강기계식다이캐스팅주물 Stainless steel die machined castings
기계식다이캐스팅철주물 Steel die machined castings
마그네슘가공다이캐스팅 Magnesium die machined castings
아연가공다이캐스팅 Zinc die machined castings
주석가공다이캐스팅 Tin die machined castings
기계식사형주물 Machined sand castings
비철합금 가공사형주물 Non ferrous alloy sand machined castings
철합금 가공사형주물 Ferrous alloy sand machined castings
강철기계모래주조 Steel sand machined castings
기계식사형주조스테인리스강주물 Stainless steel sand machined castings
기계식사형주조철주물 Iron sand machined castings
알루미늄가공사형주조 Aluminum sand machined castings
마그네슘가공사형주조 Magnesium sand machined castings
티타늄가공사형주조 Titanium sand machined castings
베릴륨가공사형주조 Beryllium sand machined castings
기계식영구주형주물 Machined permanent mold castings
비철합금 가공영구주물 Non ferrous alloy permanent mold machined castings
철합금 가공영구주물 Ferrous alloy permanent mold machined castings
기계식영구주조철주물 Steel permanent mold machined castings
기계식영구주조스테인리스강주물 Stainless steel permanent mold machined castings
기계식영구주조철주물 Iron permanent mold machined castings
알루미늄가공영구주조 Aluminum permanent mold machined castings
마그네슘가공영구주조 Magnesium permanent mold machined castings
티타늄가공영구주조 Titanium permanent mold machined castings
베릴륨가공영구주조 Beryllium permanent mold machined castings
기계식석고주형주물 Machined plaster mold castings
비철합금 가공석고주형주물 Non ferrous alloy plaster mold machined castings
철합금 가공석고주형주물 Ferrous alloy plaster mold machined castings
기계식석고주형주조강철주물 Steel plaster mold machined castings
기계식석고주형주조스테인리스강주물 Stainless steel plaster mold machined castings
기계식석고주형주조주철주물 Iron plaster mold machined castings
알루미늄가공석고주형주조 Aluminum plaster mold machined castings
마그네슘가공석고주형주조 Magnesium plaster mold machined castings
티타늄가공석고주형주조 Titanium plaster mold machined castings
베릴륨가공석고주형주조 Beryllium plaster mold machined castings
기계식쉘주형주물 Machined shell mold castings
비철합금 셸몰드가공주물 Non ferrous alloy shell mold machined castings
철합금 셸몰드가공주물 Ferrous alloy shell mold machined castings
기계식셸몰드주조주강주물 Steel shell mold machined castings
기계식셸몰드주조스테인리스강주물 Stainless steel shell mold machined castings
기계식셸몰드주조주철주물 Iron shell mold machined castings
알루미늄셸몰드가공주조 Aluminum shell mold machined castings
마그네슘셸몰드가공주조 Magnesium shell mold machined castings
티타늄셸몰드가공주조 Titanium shell mold machined castings
베릴륨셸몰드가공주조 Beryllium shell mold machined castings
기계식정밀주물 Machined investment castings
비철합금 정밀가공주물 Non ferrous alloy investment machined castings
철합금 정밀가공주물 Ferrous alloy investment machined castings
기계식정밀주조주강주물 Steel investment machined castings
기계식정밀주조스테인리스강주물 Stainless steel investment machined castings
기계식정밀주조주철주물 Iron investment machined castings
알루미늄정밀가공주조 Aluminum investment machined castings
마그네슘정밀가공주조 Magnesium investment machined castings
아연정밀가공주조 Zinc investment machined castings
주석정밀가공주조 Tin investment machined castings
기계식원심주물 Machined centrifugal castings
비철합금 원심가공주물 Non ferrous alloy centrifugal machined castings
철합금 원심가공주물 Ferrous alloy centrifugal machined castings
기계식원심주조주강주물 Steel centrifugal machined castings
기계식원심주조스테인리스강주물 Stainless steel centrifugal machined castings
기계식원심주조주철주물 Iron centrifugal machined castings
알루미늄원심가공주조 Aluminum centrifugal machined castings
마그네슘원심가공주조 Magnesium centrifugal machined castings
티타늄원심가공주조 Titanium centrifugal machined castings
베릴륨원심가공주조 Beryllium centrifugal machined castings
기계식세라믹주형주물 Machined ceramic mold castings
비철합금 세라믹가공주물 Non ferrous alloy ceramic mold machined castings
철합금 세라믹가공주물 Ferrous alloy ceramic mold machined castings
기계식세라믹주조주강주물 Steel ceramic mold machined castings
기계식세라믹주조스레인레스강주물 Stainless steel ceramic mold machined castings
기계식세라믹주조주철주물 Iron ceramic mold machined castings
알루미늄가공세라믹주조 Aluminum ceramic mold machined castings
마그네슘세라믹가공주조 Magnesium ceramic mold machined castings
티타늄세라믹가공주조 Titanium ceramic mold machined castings
베릴륨세라믹가공주조 Beryllium ceramic mold machined castings
기계식흑연주형주물 Machined graphite mold castings
비철합금 흑연가공주물 Non ferrous alloy graphite mold machined castings
철합금 흑연가공주물 Ferrous alloy graphite mold machined castings
기계식흑연주조주강주물 Steel graphite mold machined castings
기계식흑연주조스테인리스강주물 Stainless steel graphite mold machined castings
기계식흑연주조주철주물 Iron graphite mold machined castings
알루미늄흑연가공주조 Aluminum graphite mold machined castings
마그네슘흑연가공주조 Magnesium graphite mold machined castings
티타늄흑연가공주조 Titanium graphite mold machined castings
베릴륨흑연가공주조 Beryllium graphite mold machined castings
자유단조품 Open die forgings
비철합금 자유단조품 Non ferrous alloy open die forgings
철합금 자유단조품 Ferrous alloy open die forgings
강자유단조품 Steel open die forgings
스테인리스 자유 단조품 Stainless steel open die forgings
철자유단조품 Iron open die forgings
알루미늄자유단조품 Aluminum open die forgings
마그네슘자유단조품 Magnesium open die forgings
티타늄자유단조품 Titanium open die forgings
베릴륨자유단조품 Beryllium open die forgings
폐쇄단조품 Closed die forgings
비철합금 폐쇄단조품 Non ferrous alloy closed die forgings
철합금 폐쇄단조품 Ferrous alloy closed die forgings
철강폐쇄단조품 Steel closed die forgings
스테인레스폐쇄단조품 Stainless steel closed die forgings
철폐쇄단조품 Iron closed die forgings
알루미늄폐쇄단조품 Aluminum closed die forgings
마그네슘폐쇄단조품 Magnesium closed die forgings
티타늄폐쇄단조품 Titanium closed die forgings
베릴륨폐쇄단조품 Beryllium closed die forgings
형단조품 Impression die forgings
비철합금 형단조품 Non ferrous alloy impression die forgings
철합금 형단조품 Ferrous alloy impression die forgings
강형단조품 Steel impression die forgings
스테인리스형단조품 Stainless steel impression die forgings
철형단조품 Iron impression die forgings
알루미늄형단조품 Aluminum impression die forgings
마그네슘형단조품 Magnesium impression die forgings
티타늄형단조품 Titanium impression die forgings
베릴륨형단조품 Beryllium impression die forgings
알루미늄낙하단조품 Aluminum drop forgings
마그네슘낙하단조품 Magnesium drop forgings
티타늄낙하단조품 Titanium drop forgings
베릴륨낙하단조품 Beryllium drop forgings
동낙하단조품 Copper drop forgings
황동낙하단조품 Brass drop forgings
청동낙하단조품 Bronze drop forgings
냉간형타단조품 Cold steel drop forgings
형타단조강편 Semi finished drop forgings
링단조품 Rolled ring forgings
알루미늄롤단조품 Aluminum rolled ring forgings
베릴륨롤단조품 Beryllium rolled ring forgings
황동롤단조품 Brass rolled ring forgings
청동롤단조품 Bronze rolled ring forgings
구리롤단조품 Copper rolled ring forgings
철링단조품 Iron rolled ring forgings
납롤단조품 Lead rolled ring forgings
마그네슘롤단조품 Magnesium rolled ring forgings
귀금속링단조품 Precious metal rolled ring forgings
비전도케이블 Mechanical cable
절연조정케이블 Non electric control cables
승강용케이블 Lifting cables
추적용케이블 Track cables
절연강케이블 Non electrical steel cables
절연동케이블 Non electrical copper cables
절연알루미늄케이블 Non electrical aluminum cables
가이 케이블 Guy cables
절연 케이블 Non electrical iron cable
알루미늄 호일 테이프 Aluminum foil tape
폴리에틸렌 테이프 Polyethylene tape
피브이씨(PVC) 테이프 Polyvinyl chloride PVC tape
납 테이프 Lead foil tape
고무 테이프 Rubber tape
가공강재 Machined bar stock
알루미늄가공강재 Aluminum machined bar stock
베릴륨가공강재 Beryllium machined bar stock
황동가공강재 Brass machined bar stock
청동가공강재 Bronze machined bar stock
구리가공강재 Copper machined bar stock
철가공강재 Iron machined bar stock
납가공강재 Lead machined bar stock
마그네슘가공강재 Magnesium machined bar stock
귀금속가공강재 Precious metal machined bar stock
가공플레이트스톡 Machined plate stock
알루미늄가공플레이트스톡 Aluminum machined plate stock
베릴륨판기계저장 Beryllium machined plate stock
황동가공플레이트스톡 Brass machined plate stock
청동가공플레이트스톡 Bronze machined plate stock
구리가공플레이트스톡 Copper machined plate stock
철가공플레이트스톡 Iron machined plate stock
납가공플레이트스톡 Lead machined plate stock
마그네슘가공플레이트스톡 Magnesium machined plate stock
귀금속가공플레이트스톡 Precious metal machined plate stock
스틸튜브 Steel tubing
아이언튜브 Iron tubing
시멘트튜브 Cement tubing
플라스틱튜브 Plastic tubing
고무튜브 Rubber tubing
유리튜브 Glass tubing
석튜브 Stone tubing
비철합금 튜브 Non ferrous alloy tubing
알루미늄튜브 Aluminum tubing
스테인리스튜브 Stainless steel tubing
심스톡 Shim stock
황동심스톡 Brass shim stock
철강심스톡 Steel shim stock
스테인레스강심스톡 Stainless steel shim stock
알루미늄심스톡 Aluminum shim stock
구리심스톡 Copper shim stock
타출부품 Stamped components
알루미늄판금부품 Aluminum stamped components
철합금판금부품 Ferrous alloy stamped components
철판금부품 Iron stamped components
비철합금판금부품 Non ferrous alloy stamped components
스테인레스강판금부품 Stainless steel stamped components
탄소강판금부품 Carbon steel stamped components
마그네슘판금부품 Magnesium stamped components
아연판금부품 Zinc stamped components
천공부품 Punched components
천공알루미늄부품 Aluminum punched components
천공철합금부품 Ferrous alloy punched components
천공철부품 Iron punched components
천공비철합금부품 Non ferrous alloy punched components
천공 스테인리스 부품 Stainless steel punched components
천공탄소강부품 Carbon steel punched components
천공복합재부품 Composite punched components
천공니켈부품 Nickel alloy punched components
천공비금속부품 Non metallic punched components
인발성형부품 Draw formed components
드로우성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum draw formed components
드로우성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium draw formed components
드로우성형황동부품 Brass draw formed components
드로우성형청동부품 Bronze draw formed components
드로우성형복합재부품 Composite draw formed components
드로우성형구리부품 Copper draw formed components
드로우성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy draw formed components
드로우성형철부품 Iron draw formed components
드로우성형납부품 Lead draw formed components
액압성형부품 Hydro formed components
유압성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum hydro formed components
유압성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium hydro formed components
유압성형황동부품 Brass hydro formed components
유압성형청동부품 Bronze hydro formed components
유압성형복합재부품 Composite hydro formed components
유압성형구리부품 Copper hydro formed components
유압성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy hydro formed components
유압성형철부품 Iron hydro formed components
유압성형납부품 Lead hydro formed components
수직축회전성형부품 Spin formed components
원심회전성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum spin formed components
원심회전성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium spin formed components
원심회전성형황동부품 Brass spin formed components
원심회전성형청동부품 Bronze spin formed components
원심회전성형복합재부품 Composite spin formed components
원심회전성형구리부품 Copper spin formed components
원심회전성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy spin formed components
원심회전성형철부품 Iron spin formed components
원심회전성형납부품 Lead spin formed components
롤성형부품 Roll formed components
롤성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum roll formed components
롤성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium roll formed components
롤성형황동부품 Brass roll formed components
롤성형청동부품 Bronze roll formed components
롤성형복합재부품 Composite roll formed components
롤성형구리부품 Copper roll formed components
롤성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy roll formed components
롤성형철부품 Iron roll formed components
롤성형납부품 Lead roll formed components
인장성형부품 Stretch formed components
인장성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum stretch formed components
인장성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium stretch formed components
인장성형황동부품 Brass stretch formed components
인장성형청동부품 Bronze stretch formed components
인장성형복합재부품 Composite stretch formed components
인장성형구리부품 Copper stretch formed components
인장성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy stretch formed components
인장성형철부품 Iron stretch formed components
인장성형납부품 Lead stretch formed components
폭발성형부품 Explosive formed components
폭발성형알루미늄부품 Aluminum explosive formed components
폭발성형베릴륨부품 Beryllium explosive formed components
폭발성형황동부품 Brass explosive formed components
폭발성형청동부품 Bronze explosive formed components
폭발성형복합재부품 Composite explosive formed components
폭발성형구리부품 Copper explosive formed components
폭발성형철합금부품 Ferrous alloy explosive formed components
폭발성형철부품 Iron explosive formed components
폭발성형납부품 Lead explosive formed components
기계식정수압압출성형품 Machined hydro static extrusions
알루미늄정수압압출성형품 Aluminum machined hydro static extrusions
베릴륨정수압압출성형품 Beryllium machined hydro static extrusions
황동정수압압출성형품 Brass machined hydro static extrusions
청동정수압압출성형품 Bronze machined hydro static extrusions
구리정수압압출성형품 Copper machined hydro static extrusions
철합금 정수압압출성형품 Ferrous alloy machined hydro static extrusions
납정수압압출성형품 Lead machined hydro static extrusions
마그네슘정수압압출성형품 Magnesium machined hydro static extrusions
비철합금 정수압압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy machined hydro static extrusions
기계식충격압출성형품 Machined impact extrusions
충격가공알루미늄압출성형품 Aluminum machined impact extrusions
충격가공베릴륨압출성형품 Beryllium machined impact extrusions
충격가공황동압출성형품 Brass machined impact extrusions
충격가공청동압출성형품 Bronze machined impact extrusions
충격가공구리압출성형품 Copper machined impact extrusions
충격가공철합금압출성형품 Ferrous alloy machined impact extrusions
충격가공납압출성형품 Lead machined impact extrusions
충격가공마그네슘압출성형품 Magnesium machined impact extrusions
충격가공비철합금압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy machined impact extrusions
기계식냉간압출성형품 Machined cold extrusions
알루미늄냉간압출성형품 Aluminum machined cold extrusions
베릴륨냉간압출성형품 Beryllium machined cold extrusions
황동냉간압출성형품 Brass machined cold extrusions
청동냉간압출성형품 Bronze machined cold extrusions
구리냉간압출성형품 Copper machined cold extrusions
철합금 냉간압출성형품 Ferrous alloy machined cold extrusions
납냉간압출성형품 Lead machined cold extrusions
마그네슘냉간압출성형품 Magnesium machined cold extrusions
비철합금 냉간압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy machined cold extrusions
기계식열간압출성형품 Machined hot extrusions
알루미늄열간압출성형품 Aluminum machined hot extrusions
베릴륨열간압출성형품 Beryllium machined hot extrusions
황동열간압출성형품 Brass machined hot extrusions
청동열간압출성형품 Bronze machined hot extrusions
구리열간압출성형품 Copper machined hot extrusions
철합금 열간압출성형품 Ferrous alloy machined hot extrusions
납열간압출성형품 Lead machined hot extrusions
마그네슘열간압출성형품 Magnesium machined hot extrusions
비철합금 열간압출성형품 Non ferrous alloy machined hot extrusions
기계식자유단조품 Machined open die forgings
비철합금 가공자유단조품 Non ferrous alloy open die machined forgings
철합금 가공자유단조품 Ferrous alloy open die machined forgings
철강자유단조품 Steel open die machined forgings
스테인리스강자유단조품 Stainless steel open die machined forgings
철자유단조품 Iron open die machined forgings
알루미늄가공자유단조품 Aluminum open die machined forgings
마그네슘가공자유단조품 Magnesium open die machined forgings
티타늄가공자유단조품 Titanium open die machined forgings
베릴륨가공자유단조품 Beryllium open die machined forgings
기계식형타단조가공품 Machined closed die forgings
비철합금 가공폐쇄단조품 Non ferrous alloy closed die machined forgings
철합금 가공폐쇄단조품 Ferrous alloy closed die machined forgings
단조강철비공개품 Steel closed die machined forgings
단조스테인리스강비공개품 Stainless steel closed die machined forgings
단조쇠비공개품 Iron closed die machined forgings
알루미늄가공폐쇄단조품 Aluminum closed die machined forgings
마그네슘가공폐쇄단조품 Magnesium closed die machined forgings
티타늄가공폐쇄단조품 Titanium closed die machined forgings
베릴륨가공폐쇄단조품 Beryllium closed die machined forgings
기계식형단조가공품 Machined impression die forgings
비철합금 가공형단조품 Non ferrous alloy impression die machined forgings
철합금 가공형단조품 Ferrous alloy impression die machined forgings
단조강철인쇄품 Steel impression die machined forgings
단조스테인리스강인쇄품 Stainless steel impression die machined forgings
단조쇠인쇄품 Iron impression die machined forgings
알루미늄가공형단조품 Aluminum impression die machined forgings
마그네슘가공형단조품 Magnesium impression die machined forgings
티타늄가공형단조품 Titanium impression die machined forgings
베릴륨가공형단조품 Beryllium impression die machined forgings
알루미늄기계가공형타단조품 Aluminum drop machined forgings
마그네슘기계가공형타단조품 Magnesium drop machined forgings
티타늄기계가공형타단조품 Titanium drop machined forgings
베릴륨기계가공형타단조품 Beryllium drop machined forgings
구리기계가공형타단조품 Copper drop machined forgings
황동기계가공형타단조품 Brass drop machined forgings
청동기계가공형타단조품 Bronze drop machined forgings
복합재기계가공형타단조품 Composite drop machined forgings
니켈합금기계가공형타단조품 Nickel alloy drop machined forgings
비금속기계가공형타단조품 Non metallic drop machined forgings
기계가공링단조품 Machined rolled ring forgings
알루미늄가공롤단조품 Aluminum rolled ring machined forgings
베릴륨가공롤단조품 Beryllium rolled ring machined forgings
황동가공롤단조품 Brass rolled ring machined forgings
청동가공롤단조품 Bronze rolled ring machined forgings
구리가공롤단조품 Copper rolled ring machined forgings
단조쇠롤링 Iron rolled ring machined forgings
납가공롤단조품 Lead rolled ring machined forgings
마그네슘가공롤단조품 Magnesium rolled ring machined forgings
단조귀금속롤링 Precious metal rolled ring machined forgings
용제용접관조립품 Solvent welded pipe assemblies
솔벤트용접알루미늄관조립품 Aluminum solvent welded pipe assemblies
솔벤트용접탄소강관어셈블리 Carbon steel solvent welded pipe assemblies
솔벤트용접하스텔로이X관조립품 Hastalloy X solvent welded pipe assemblies
솔벤트용접인코넬관어셈블리 Inconel solvent welded pipe assemblies
솔벤트용접저합금강관조립품 Low alloy steel solvent welded pipe assemblies
솔벤트용접비금속관어셈블리 Non metallic solvent welded pipe assemblies
솔벤트용접스테인레스강관조립품 Stainless steel solvent welded pipe assemblies
리벳접합관조립품 Riveted pipe assemblies
알루미늄리벳이음관조립품 Aluminum riveted pipe assemblies
탄소강리벳이음관조립품 Carbon steel riveted pipe assemblies
하스텔로이X리벳이음관조립품 Hastalloy X riveted pipe assemblies
인코넬리벳이음관조립품 Inconel riveted pipe assemblies
저합금리벳이음관조립품 Low alloy steel riveted pipe assemblies
비금속리벳이음관조립품 Non metallic riveted pipe assemblies
스테인리스강리벳이음관조립품 Stainless steel riveted pipe assemblies
볼트조임관조립품 Bolted pipe assemblies
알루미늄볼트이음관조립품 Aluminum bolted pipe assemblies
탄소강볼트이음관조립품 Carbon steel bolted pipe assemblies
하스텔로이X볼트이음관조립품 Hastalloy X bolted pipe assemblies
인코넬볼트이음관조립품 Inconel bolted pipe assemblies
저합금강볼트이음관조립품 Low alloy steel bolted pipe assemblies
비금속볼트이음관조립품 Non metallic bolted pipe assemblies
스테인레스강볼트이음관조립품 Stainless steel bolted pipe assemblies
자외선용접파이프조립품 Ultra violet welded UV pipe assemblies
자외선용접알루미늄관조립품 Aluminum ultra violet welded pipe assemblies
자외선용접탄소강관어셈블리 Carbon steel ultra violet welded pipe assemblies
자외선용접하스텔로이X관조립품 Hastalloy X ultra violet welded pipe assemblies
자외선용접인코넬관어셈블리 Inconel ultra violet welded pipe assemblies
자외선용접저합금강관조립품 Low alloy steel ultra violet welded pipe assemblies
자외선용접비금속관어셈블리 Non metallic ultra violet welded pipe assemblies
자외선용접스테인리스강관조립품 Stainless steel ultra violet welded pipe assemblies
용접또는납접관조립품 Welded or brazed pipe assemblies
용접또는납접알루미늄관조립품 Aluminum welded or brazed pipe assemblies
용접또는납접탄소강관조립품 Carbon steel welded or brazed pipe assemblies
용접또는납접하스텔로이X관조립품 Hastalloy X welded or brazed pipe assemblies
용접또는납접인코넬관조립품 Inconel we
음속용접관조립품 Sonic welded pipe assemblies
초음파용접알루미늄관조립품 Aluminum sonic welded pipe assemblies
초음파용접탄소강관조립품 Carbon steel sonic welded pipe assemblies
초음파용접하스텔로이X관조립품 Hastalloy X sonic welded pipe assemblies
초음파용접인코넬관조립품 Inconel sonic welded pipe assemblies
초음파용접저합금강관조립품 Low alloy steel sonic welded pipe assemblies
초음파용접비금속관조립품 Non metallic sonic welded pipe assemblies
초음파용접스테인리스강관조립품 Stainless steel sonic welded pipe assemblies
접착관조립품 Bonded pipe assemblies
접착접합알루미늄관조립품 Aluminum bonded pipe assemblies
접착접합탄소강관조립품 Carbon steel bonded pipe assemblies
접착접합하스텔로이X관조립품 Hastalloy X bonded pipe assemblies
접착접합인코넬관조립품 Inconel bonded pipe assemblies
접착접합저합금강관조립품 Low alloy steel bonded pipe assemblies
접착접합비금속관조립품 Non metallic bonded pipe assemblies
접착접합스테인리스강관조립품 Stainless steel bonded pipe assemblies
접착각재조립품 Bonded bar stock assemblies
접합알루미늄강재조립품 Aluminum bonded bar stock assemblies
접합탄소강재조립품 Carbon steel bonded bar stock assemblies
접합하스텔로이X강재조립품 Hastalloy X bonded bar stock assemblies
접합인코넬강재조립품 Inconel bonded bar stock assemblies
접합저합금강재조립품 Low alloy steel bonded bar stock assemblies
접합비금속강재조립품 Non metallic bonded bar stock assemblies
접합스테인리스강재조립품 Stainless steel bonded bar stock assemblies
용제용접각재조립품 Solvent welded bar stock assemblies
솔벤트용접알루미늄강재조립품 Aluminum solvent welded bar stock assemblies
솔벤트용접탄소강재조립품 Carbon steel solvent welded bar stock assemblies
솔벤트용접하스텔로이X강재조립품 Hastalloy X solvent welded bar stock assemblies
솔벤트용접인코넬강재조립품 Inconel solvent welded bar stock assemblies
솔벤트용접저합금강재조립품 Low alloy steel solvent welded bar stock assemblies
솔벤트용접비금속강재조립품 Non metallic solvent welded bar stock assemblies
솔벤트용접스테인리스강재조립품 Stainless steel solvent welded bar stock assemblies
리벳접합각재조립품 Riveted bar stock assemblies
리벳이음알루미늄강재조립품 Aluminum riveted bar stock assemblies
리벳이음탄소강재조립품 Carbon steel riveted bar stock assemblies
리벳이음하스텔로이X강재조립품 Hastalloy X riveted bar stock assemblies
리벳이음인코넬강재조립품 Inconel riveted bar stock assemblies
리벳이음저합금강재조립품 Low alloy steel riveted bar stock assemblies
리벳이음비금속강재조립품 Non metallic riveted bar stock assemblies
리벳이음스테인리스강재조립품 Stainless steel riveted bar stock assemblies
용접또는납접각재조립품 Welded or brazed bar stock assemblies
용접또는납접알루미늄강재조립품 Aluminum welded or brazed bar stock assemblies
용접또는납접탄소강재조립품 Carbon steel welded or brazed bar stock assemblies
용접또는납접하스텔로이X강재조립품 Hastalloy X welded or brazed bar stock assemblies
용접또는납접인코넬강재조립품 Inconel welded or brazed bar stock assemblies
용접또는납접저합금강재조립품 Low alloy steel welded or brazed bar stock assemblies
용접또는납접비금속강재조립품 Non metallic welded or brazed bar stock assemblies
용접또는납접스테인리스강재조립품 Stainless steel welded or brazed bar stock assemblies
자외선용접각재조립품 Ultra violet welded UV bar stock assemblies
자외선용접알루미늄강재조립품 Aluminum ultra violet welded bar stock assemblies
자외선용접탄소강재조립품 Carbon steel ultra violet welded bar stock assemblies
자외선용하스텔로이X강재조립품 Hastalloy X ultra violet welded bar stock assemblies
자외선용인코넬강재조립품 Inconel ultra violet welded bar stock assemblies
자외선용접저합금강재조립품 Low alloy steel ultra violet welded bar stock assemblies
자외선용접비금속강재조립품 Non metallic ultra violet welded bar stock assemblies
자외선용접스테인리스강재조립품 Stainless steel ultra violet welded bar stock assemblies
음속용접각재조립품 Sonic welded bar stock assemblies
초음파용접알루미늄강재조립품 Aluminum sonic welded bar stock assemblies
초음파용접탄소강재조립품 Carbon steel sonic welded bar stock assemblies
초음파용접하스텔로이X강재조립품 Hastalloy X sonic welded bar stock assemblies
초음파용접인코넬강재조립품 Inconel sonic welded bar stock assemblies
초음파용접저합금강재조립품 Low alloy steel sonic welded bar stock assemblies
초음파용접비금속강재조립품 Non metallic sonic welded bar stock assemblies
초음파용접스테인리스강재조립품 Stainless steel sonic welded bar stock assemblies
볼트이음강재조립품 Bolted bar stock assemblies
볼트이음알루미늄강재조립품 Aluminum bolted bar stock assemblies
볼트이음탄소강재조립품 Carbon steel bolted bar stock assemblies
볼트이음하스텔로이X강재조립품 Hastalloy X bolted bar stock assemblies
볼트이음인코넬강재조립품 Inconel bolted bar stock assemblies
볼트이음저합금강재조립품 Low alloy steel bolted bar stock assemblies
볼트이음비금속강재조립품 Non metallic bolted bar stock assemblies
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