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cyclic adenosine monophosphate =CYCLIC AMP
[위키] AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone System
[百] AMP AMP Limited
[百] 대관령국제음악제 (大關嶺國際音樂祭) Great Mountains Music Festival & School
[百] AMP adenosine monophosphate
[百] 아시아태평양환경경영연구원 Asia Pacific Environment & Management Institute(APEMI)
[百] 분도양표 分道揚鑣
[百] 자굴산 闍堀山
[百] 강원도교육과학연구원 (江原道敎育科學硏究院) Kangwondo Educational Research & Science Institute
[百] 울트라건설(주) Ultra Construction & Engineering Co., Ltd.
[百] 코오롱건설(주) Kolon Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
[百] 한라건설(주) (漢拏建設(株)) Halla Engineering & Construction Corp.
[百] 현대건설(주) (現代建設(株)) Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.
[百] (주)한진중공업홀딩스 Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Holdings Co., Ltd.
[百] 대경대학 (大慶大學) Taekyeung Computer & Science & Design College
[百] 국립한국재활복지대학 (國立韓國再活福祉大學) Korea National College of Rehabilitation & Welfare
[百d] 앙페르 [ André-Marie Ampère ]
[百d] 앙페르 [ Jean-Jacques (-Antoine) Ampère ]
[百d] 사이클릭 AMP [ cyclic AMP, cAMP ]
She's crashing. Get Dr Collier.
혼수상태야, 콜리어 박사를 불러
She's on her way in.
오는 중이에요
What have we got?
현재 상태는?
BP's dropping. She's in v-tach.
혈압이 떨어지고 있어요
BP's 90/50.
혈압이 90, 50이에요
Give her an amp of epi. Let's go at 200.
아드레날린 주사해, 2백부터 시작
Yes, Doctor.
Epi's in.
아드레날린 주사했어요
- Start.
- 시작
- Clear.
- 실시
- Nothing.
- 반응 없음
- Again. 300.
- 다시, 3백
- 300. Start.
- 시작
- Clear.
- 실시
- Blood pressure still dropping.
- 그래도 혈압이 떨어져요
- Nothing. Doctor?
- 반응 없어요, 박사님?
- Go again.
- 한번 더
- 360. Charge.
- 360, 충전
- Clear.
- Clear.
No rhythm.
반응이 없어요
[生] Cyclic AMP (환상 AMP) (環狀 AMP)
piping and instrumentation diagram [P & ID] : 배관 계장도
resarch and development[R & D] : 연구(와) 개발
대법은 "서초구가 송동마을 일대 주민들에게 지역방송이나 앰프방송, 통반조직 등을 이용하여 대피를 권고했다면 그 사실이 망인의 지인들을 통해 망인에게 전달되었을 가능성이 상당히 높아 보인다"고 봤다.
The Supreme Court said, "If Seocho-gu had recommended evacuation to the residents of the Songdong village through local broadcasting, amp broadcasting, or public service organizations, it seems quite likely that it could have been conveyed to the deceased through acquaintances of them."
앰프스 Advanced Mobile Phone Service system, AMPS
양대역 증폭 bi-amping
연산 증폭기 Operational Amplifier, op-amp
출력 변성기 없는 증폭기 Output Transformerless Amplifier, OTL-Amp
협대역 AMPS Narrowband-Advanced Mobile Phone Service, N-AMPS
advanced mobile phone service(AMPS) : 개량형 이동 전화 서비스
AMPS : advanced mobile phone service(개량형 이동 전화 서비스)의 약어
c-AMP level (환식 AMP 레벨)
cyclic AMP (환상 AMP)
cyclic AMP system (환상 AMP 계)
substituents found on the hydrocarbon skeleton and a subscript (1, 2 or 3) to indicate
the number of double bonds in the hydrocarbon skeleton e.g., PGE2. The predominant
naturally occurring prostaglandins all have two double bonds and are synthesized from
arachidonic acid (5,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid) by the pathway shown in the
illustration. The 1 series and 3 series are produced by the same pathway with fatty
acids having one fewer double bond (8,11,14-eicosatrienoic acid or one more double bond
(5,8,11,14,17-eicosapentaenoic acid) than arachidonic acid. The subscript a or ß indicates
the configuration at C-9 (a denotes a substituent below the plane of the ring, ß, above
the plane). The naturally occurring PGF's have the a configuration, e.g., PGF2a. All of
the prostaglandins act by binding to specific cell-surface receptors causing an increase
in the level of the intracellular second messenger cyclic AMP (and in some cases cyclic
GMP also). The effect produced by the cyclic AMP increase depends on the specific cell
type. In some cases there is also a positive feedback effect. Increased cyclic AMP
increases prostaglandin synthesis leading to further increases in cyclic AMP.
라인 앰프(line amp)
암페어(ampere, amp)
프럭 앰프(proc amp)
LCD Driver IC를 위한 고전압 CMOS Rail-to-Rail 입/출력 OP-AMP 설계
(A) High Voltage CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Operational Amplifier for LCD Driver IC
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