annual sales
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At age 46, Jim Roswell is a self-made man.
46살에 Jim Roswell은 자수성가한 사람이다.
Although he never graduated from college, Jim was recently promoted to vice president of operations of a manufacturing firm with annual sales of $80 million.
결코 대학을 나오지 않았지만 Jim은 최근에 년 매출 8,000만 달러가 되는 어느 제조업체의 경영부사장으로 승진을 했다.
He is known around the firm as a take-charge, no-nonsense man who likes both adults and children.
회사주변에서 그는 아이와 어른 모두를 좋아하는 책임감이 강하고 센스 있는 사람으로 알려져 있다.
Jim worked his way up through the ranks.
Jim은 밑바닥에서 노력하여 출세한 사람이다.
He started with the company 23 years ago as an assembler.
그는 23년 전에 조립공으로 회사생활을 시작했다.
Through hard work, his ability to work with people, and his thorough way of doing things, he received one promotion after another.
근면한 노력과 팀웍, 그리고 철저한 일 처리를 통해서 승진에 승진을 거듭했다.
P2P금융 시장에 연 매출 규모가 조 단위에 달하는 대형 금융사가 진입한 것은 이번이 처음이다.
This is the first time that a large financial company with annual sales of trillion won has entered the P2P financial market.
이 기간동안 연간 매출액이 일정금액 미만인 소규모 자영업자는 세무조사 착수가 유예된다.
During this period, small business owners with annual sales of less than a certain amount will be suspended from launching tax audits.
웅진코웨이의 지속성장은 웅진그룹이 한때 32개 계열사를 두고 연 매출 6조원의 국내 30위권 대기업으로 도약했던 역사에 큰 역할을 했다.
Woongjin Coway's continued growth played a major role in Woongjin Group's history as the nation's top 30 conglomerates with annual sales of 6 trillion won with 32 affiliates.
지난해 말 금융위원회가 발표한 가맹점수수료 개편안에 따르면 신용카드 우대수수료율 적용구간이 연 매출액 5억원 이하 가맹점에서 30억원까지 확대됐다.
According to the franchise commission reform plan announced by the Financial Services Commission late last year, the application section of the credit card preferential commission rate has expanded from merchants with annual sales of less than 500 million won to 3 billion won.
올해 삼성전자의 연매출 전망이 232조원인 것으로 추정컨대 매출목표 달성은 어려울 것으로 보인다.
Samsung Electronics' annual sales forecast is estimated at 232 trillion won this year, but it is unlikely to achieve its sales target.
월 매출액이 2천만 원인 가게에서 제로페이로 600만 원이 결제되면 연간 330만 원의 혜택을 받을 수 있다.
If 6 million won is paid from a store with monthly sales of 20 million won to Zero Pay, you can receive 3.3 million won in annual benefits.
다만 위의 지원대상 가운데 가구소득 중위 150% 이하이거나 신청인 연소득 7천만원 이하이면서 소득·매출이 크게 줄거나 장기간 무급휴직 상태여야만 지원받을 수 있다.
However, among the above support targets, it is only possible to receive support if the income and sales are significantly reduced or long-term unpaid leave, while the household income is less than the middle 150% or the applicant's annual income, is less than 70 million won.
하지만 경기에서 전세버스업체를 운영하는 박지민씨는 "메르스 사태 당시에는 특례보증서를 받아 은행에 가면 대출이 바로 됐다"며 "이번에는 우대보증이 대부분이라 기존 대출이 없거나, 담보가 많거나, 연 매출액이 50억∼60억원 이상이 돼야 한다"고 말했다.
However, Park Ji-min, who runs a chartered bus company in Gyeonggi-do, said, "At the time of the MERS outbreak, when I received a special guarantee and went to the bank, the loan was made immediately," adding, "This time, there are mostly preferential guarantees, so you should have no existing loans, a lot of collateral, or annual sales of more than ₩5 billion to ₩6 billion."
연간 페기물 반입량이 8만2000톤을 밑돌면 미달한 폐기물 매출액을 보전하고, 90%의 보장 발전량이 나오지 않으면 발전 매출액 미달분을 지급하기로 했다.
If the annual amount of waste brought in is less than 82,000 tons, it will compensate for the insufficient waste sales, and if 90% of the guaranteed power amount is not produced, it will pay a shortage of power generation sales.
SDCWA와의 용수구매계약은 27년이 남았으며, 연간 최소수요량이 정해져 있어 안정적인 매출이 가능하다.
The water purchase contract with SDCWA has 27 years left, and the minimum annual demand is set, enabling stable sales.
정부가 올해 말까지 연 매출이 8800만원을 넘지 않는 소규모 개인사업자에 대해 부가세를 연 평균 30만∼120만원 인하한다.
By the end of this year, the government will cut VAT by an average of 300,000 won to 1.2 million won per year for small private businesses with annual sales of less than 88 million won.
지원대상은 지난해 3월이나 4월대비 올해 3월이나 4월 매출액이 20% 이상 감소하고, 지난해 연매출액이 2억원 이하인 사업장으로, 40만원이 지급된다.
The target for the support is businesses with sales falling more than 20% in March or April this year compared to March or April last year, and annual sales of less than 200 million won last year, and 400,000 won will be paid.
우리은행의 한 고위관계자는 "영업점이 자율적으로 연간 목표를 정하고 고객 관리를 강화해야 하는 만큼 영업 일선은 물론 본부의 각 부서도 전반적인 운영이 완전히 달라져야 할 것"이라고 말했다.
A senior official at Woori Bank said, "As branches should autonomously set annual goals and strengthen customer management, the overall operation of each department of the headquarters, as well as the sales front office, will have to change completely differently."
매년 매출액 성장률 10% 이상, 순이익 성장률 10% 이상 종목 중 4차산업 변화의 시대 흐름을 읽고 거기에 맞는 종목에 선제적으로 투자하는 것이 특징이다.
Among stocks with annual sales growth of more than 10% and net profit growth of more than 10%, it is characterized by reading the trend of changes in the 4th industry and preemptively investing in the appropriate stocks.
대상은 연매출 3억원 이하의 세종 관내 소상공인으로 대상자에게는 1인당 50만원의 현금이 지급된다.
The target is small business owners in Sejong with annual sales of less than 300 million won, and 500,000 won in cash will be paid to each person.
연매출 1억원 이하 사업자가 긴급하게 소액 자금이 필요할 때 이용할 수 있다.
It can be used when a business operator with annual sales of less than 100 million won urgently needs small funds.
또한, 전년동기 대비 매출액이 10% 이상 감소한 소상공인은 소상공인시장진흥공단에서 최대 7000만원을 연 1.5% 금리로 제공받을 수 있다.
In addition, small business owners, who saw their sales decreased by more than 10% compared to the same period last year, can receive up to 70 million won at an annual interest rate of 1.5% from the Small Business Market Promotion Foundation.
소득·소득감소요건은 1구간의 경우 소득이 25% 이상 감소하면서 ①지난해 신청인 개인 연소득 5천만 원 이하이거나 ②지난해 신청인 개인 연매출 1억 5천만 원 이하이거나 ③가구소득 기준 중위소득 100% 이하라면 지원대상으로 인정받는다.
In the case of the first section, income and income reduction requirements are recognized as eligible for support if the income decreases by more than 25% and the applicant's annual income is less than 50 million won last year, or if the applicant's annual sales are less than 150 million won last year, or if the median income based on the income of the households is less than 100%.
소상공인들은 사용자가 신용카드 또는 체크카드를 사용할 때마다 연매출에 따라 카드수수료를 1∼2.5% 부담해야 하지만, 이번 약정 체결을 통해 공공부분에서도 제로페이로 결제하게 되면서 수수료 부담을 완전히 덜게 됐다.
Small business owners are required to pay 1 to 2.5 percent of their credit card fees depending on their annual sales whenever card users use credit cards or check cards, but the signing of the agreement will completely ease the burden of fees as the users will also pay with Zero Pay in the public sector.
소상공인시장진흥공단은 규제 완화로 연간 328억원 정도 매출이 증가할 것이라고 내다봤다.
The Small Business Market Promotion Corporation predicted that annual sales would increase by KRW 32.8 billion due to deregulation.
In an investigation or an annual review, IA issues questionnaires to foreign
producers and their affiliated importers regarding sales made during a 12 month
period of investigation (POI) for market-economy cases and a 6 month POI in
NME cases.
수입행정실은 조사나 연례재심에서 외국 생산자와 관련 수입자들에게
조사대상기간(period of investigation)인 12개월(비시장경제국가의 경우 6
개월)동안의 판매에 관한 질문서를 발송한다
What`s the total amount of your annual sales ?
What is the percentage of your profit ?
How much do your annual sales run up to ?
년간 총 매상액은 얼마입니까?
귀사의 이익율은 얼마입니까?
년간 총 매상액은 얼마나 됩니까?
cotton buds : 면봉, 일 회용 귀이개
Well : What does your company do?
Kwon : We produce cotton buds and sell them all over the world.
Well : Oh, I see. Where is the company located?
Kwon : The company is in Kyonggido .
Well : What are the annual sales of your company?
Kwon : We have annual sales of $1million.
Well : How many workers does your company currently employ?
Kwon : 259 people are working for the company.
annual accounting: 연차결산
annual audit: 연도감사
annual budget: 연간예산
annual closing: 연도마감
annual earnings: 연간소득
annual expenditure: 세출
annual financial statement: 연차 재무제표
annual general meeting: 연차 주주 총회
annual income: 연수입, 연간소득
annual installment: 연부불
annual interest rate: 연리율
annual interest: 연리
annual inventory: 연차재고
annual leave: 연가
annual report: 연차 영업보고서(보통 요약재무표를 감사의견, 회사 상품소개등 포함)
annual return: 연간 신고서
annual revenue and expenditure budget: 세입 세출
annual revenue: 세입
annual sales: 연간 매출액
annual total: 연계
annual wage: 연급
annual: 1년간의
annualization of in come: (수개월 분 소득의)연간 환산
annualize: 연간치로 환산하다
annualized income: 연간 환산 소득
annually: 매년
연간 매출액을 초과하는 부채: Debt in Excess of Annual Sales
[소기업] small business
* 정의: A small business is defined as one which is independently owned and operated for profit and is not dominant in its field.
미국소기업청 (the Small Business Administration)은 소규모성(smallness)의 구체적인 지침을 매출과 (sales) 종업원수(the number of employees)에 따라 다음과 같이 제시하고 있습니다.
1) 제조업 (manufacturing): a maximum number of employees ranging from 500 to 1,500, depending on the products manufactured.
2) 도매업 (wholesaling): a maximum number of employees not to exceed 500
3) 소매업 (retailing): maximum yearly sales or receipts ranging from $10 million to $13.5 million, depending on the industry
4) 일반건설업 (general construction): average annual sales ranging up to $9.5 million to $17 million, depending on the industry
5) 특수건설업 (special trade construction): annual sales ranging up to $7 million
6) 농업 (agriculture): maximum annual receipts of $0.5 million to $3.5 million
7) 서비스업 (services): maximum annual receipts ranging from $2.5 million to $14.5 million, depending on the type of service.
검색결과는 27 건이고 총 111 라인의 자료가 출력되었습니다. 맨위로
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