burn down
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* burn down 전소하다.
- The gangsters burned down the village. (그 악한들은
그 마을을 전부 불살라 버렸다.)
burn down
- burn completely (usually used for buildings)
The neighbor`s house burnt down completely during the night.
화난:blow one's fuse, blow ne's gasket, blow one's top, blow one's stack,
blue in the face, boiling point, bull in the china shop, burn up, down on,
draw blood, fit to be tied, flip one's lid, flip one's wig fly at one's
throat, fly off the handle, foam at the mouth, for crying out loud, get
one's back on, get one's dander up, get one's Irish up, get one's goat, hit
the ceiling, hit the roof, hot under the collar, jaws tight, jump down one's
throat, lose one's temper, mad as a hornet, mad as hops, mad as a wet hen,
make one's blood boil, make the blood boil, onb the warpath, one's hornet's
nest, tell - where to get off, tell - where to head in see red, set one's
teeth on edge, skin alive, slow burn, stir up, turn in one's grave, turn
over one's grave, up in the air, worked up, wrought up
If this was an arson case,
만약 이게 방화사건이라면
we'd burn down an empty house to prove our theory. Right?
빈집을 태워서라도 증명을 하겠죠
But on this case, we're gonna recreate the flight.
하지만 이런 경우라면 비행 상황을 재현해야 해요
생) / 뇌출혈(Intracerebral hemorrhage : 뇌안의 혈관이 터져 발생) / 다운증후군(Down syndrome : 사람의 46개 염색체 중에 제21번 염색체의 수가 1개 더 많아지므로 써 나타나는 질환. 환자의 생김새가 마치 몽고 사람과 닮았다 하여 일명 몽고증) / 당뇨병(Diabetes mellitus)
동맥경화증(Arteriosclerosis) / 두드러기(Urticaria) / 매독(Syphillis) / 발기불능(Impotence) / 백내장(Cataract)
백혈병(Leukemia) / 불임(Infertility) / 불임(Anemia) / 석면증(Asbestosis) / 성병(Sexually transmitted disease (STD) ) / 소아마비(=뇌성마비)(Cerebral palsy) / 습진(Eczema) / 실어증(Aphasia) / 아토피성 피부염(Atopic dermatitis) / 알코올중독(Alcoholism) / 여드름(Acne) / 우울증(Depression) / 위궤양(Gastric ulcer)
조루(Premature ejaculation) / 중이염(Otitis media) / 중풍(paralysis) / 천식(Asthma) / 축농증(empyema)
충치(Dental caries) / 치매(Dementia) / 치ㆊ(hemorrhoids) / 코피(nosebleeding) / 패혈증(Sepsis)
폐렴(Pneumonia) / 폐암(Lung cancer) / 피부염(Dermatitis) / 홍역(Measles) / 화상(Burn) / 황달(Jaundice)
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