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corporate ladder

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corporate ladder 기업 승진 단계

Kick down the ladder.
출세에 도움을 준 친구를 버리다.
Social ladder.
사회적인 지위.
Corporate ladder.
직장내에서의 지위.
Climb the ladder.
출세를 하기 위해 애쓰다.
Raise from the bottom of the ladder.
개천에서 용나다.
At the top of the ladder.
최고정상에 있다.

And, as people do in these situations, they brought food.
그리고, 이럴때 항상 그래왔듯 모두 음식을 가져왔죠
Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken.
르넷 스카보는 후라이드 치킨을 가져왔죠
Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken.
르넷은 대대로 전해 내려온 훌륭한 치킨 요리법을 가지고 있죠
Of course, she didn't cook much while she was moving up the corporate ladder.
물론, 회사에서 승승장구 하는 동안엔 요리를 많이 하지 않았었죠
She didn't have the time.
그럴 시간이 없었거든요

힘내 - Cheer up!
< When trying to convince someone that things aren't so bad >
Used with:
'Come on~'
'It's not the end of the world'
'Look on the bright side...'
'There's a light at the end of the tunnel'
~ to someone whose team has lost but still has a good chance
in the next match
~ to someone who has failed a class, but will probably do
better in the future
~ to a person who is feeling low after getting dumped by a
boyfriend or girlfriend
*** DON'T USE 'Cheer up' when a serious tragedy has occurred ***
~ a death of a friend or family member
~ someone has contracted a terminal illness
~ the person has a very valid reason to be sad
A : Have you considered looking for a new job at a different company?
B : No. Why?
A : I can't stand working here with getting same pay every year.
I don't even get any other chances to climb the corporate ladder.
B : Oh, come on! Be patient! You have only worked for two years for this company.
A : 자네 다른 회사에서 일자리 구해 볼 생각한 적 없어?
B : 아니. 왜?
A : 매년 똑같은 월급받으면서 여기 못있겠어.
높은 지위로 올라갈 기회조차 없다구.
B : 이사람아! 기다려봐. 자네는 여기서 일한 지 아직 2년밖에 안됐어.

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