exhaust fan
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exhaust fan 환풍기
I turned on the exhaust fan a little while ago, so it should be all right in a moment.
좀 전에 환풍기를 틀었으니까 잠시 후면 괜찮아질 거예요.
exhaust fan : 배출팬
건물세부청소 서비스 Building component cleaning services
음향 반사 타일 또는 천장 청소 서비스 Acoustical tile or ceiling cleaning services
통기관청소 Air duct cleaning
굴뚝청소 Chimney cleaning
바닥왁스칠또는카페트청소 Floor waxing or carpet cleaning
배기후드또는배기팬청소 Exhaust hood or fan clearing
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