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cross-fertilize 〔kr´o:sf´∂:rt∂l`aiz〕 잡교 수정시키다(하다), 이화 수정시키다(하다)
fertilize 〔f´∂:rt∂l´aiz〕 비옥하게 하다, 풍부하게 하다, 수정시키다
fertilize ~을 수정시키다.
fertilize the garden with manure 거름을 주어 정원을 기름지게 만들다
Flowers are often fertilized by bees gathering nectar. 꽃은 흔히 꿀을 모으는 벌들에 의해서 수분이 된다.
In parts of Africa the farmers cut down trees and bushes so that they can till the land.
아프리카에서 농부들은 나무를 자르고 숲을 쳐서 땅을 경작한다.
When the soil is exhausted they move on.
땅의 기력이 소진되면 그들은 이주한다.
Most old fields can be re-cultivated after a period of rest.
대부분 오래된 들판에서 일정한 휴식기간이 지난 후에 재경작 될 수 있다.
Early farmers in Europe did the same.
유럽의 초창기 농부들은 똑같은 방법을 사용했다.
When there was not enough unused woodland left they used a third of their fields for pasture, letting the animal manure fertilize the soil before the next tilling.
그리고 사용되지 않고 남겨둔 산림지가 충분하지 않을 때.
그들은 경지의 ⅓은 목초지로 사용하고 거름을 뿌려서 다음 경작시기 까지 땅을 비옥하게 하였다.
Then it was discovered that plants like clover and beans enrich the soil, so that they can be used every year.
그후 크로버나 콩과 같은 식물이 땅의 기력을 회복시킨다는 것이 발견되어서 그들은 매년 땅을 이용할 수 있었다.
Later, minerals were added to the soil to replace those used up by the crops.
후에 새 무기질이 더하여져서 곡식에의해 소모된 무기질을 보충했다.
Modern farming uses many chemicals, which must, however, be tested to see that they do not affect human and animal health.
현대 농업은 많은 화학 비료를 쓴다.
그러나 그것들은 인간이나 동물의 건강에 해를 미치지 않는지 시험되어져야 한다.
[百] 수정란 (受精卵) fertilized egg
fertilize 기름지게하다,비료를주다
The “Geritol solution” suggests that actively fertilizing the Southern Ocean with massive amounts of iron would spur the growth of phytoplankton, thus creating a giant carbon sink.
“Geritol solution”은 적극적으로 Southern Ocean에 막대한 양의 철분을 뿌리면 식물플랑크톤의 성장에 박차를 가하여 거대한 탄소 침강을 일으킬 것이라고 제안한다.
* Geritol solution 혈액의 철분 보충 영양제에서 나온 용어
Almost daily the public is besieged by claims for "no-aging" diets, new
vitamins, and other wonder foods. There are numerous unsubstantiated
reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that
fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that
untreated grains are better than fumigated grains, and the like.
거의 매일같이 대중들은 "불로장생" 음식, 새로운 비타민, 그리고 다른
경이식품 등의 공세를 접하고 있다. 자연적인 비타민이 인공적으로 합성된
비타민보다 우수하다든가 수정란은 무수정란보다 영양학적으로 더
우수하다든가, 농약처리를 하지 않은 곡식이 훈증소독을 곡식보다 더 좋다는
등과 같은 수많은 입증되지 않은 보고들이 있다.
The sun, beating down on tropical waters, powers the weather systems of the globe.
열대바다에 내리쬐는 태양은 세계적 기상변화를 일으킵니다
Moisture evaporates from the warming ocean and rises to create great storms.
따뜻해진 대양에서 증발된 습기는 거대한 폭풍을 생성하게 됩니다
The winds generated out at sea sweep inland across the continents.
바다에서 일어난 바람은 대륙 내부를 쓸어갑니다
As they travel across the Sahara they create the biggest of all sand storms
이 바람이 사하라사막을 지나가면 거대한 모래폭풍이 생성되고
blowing sand halfway round the world to fertilize the Amazon jungle.
이 모래를 지구 반바퀴를 몰아가 아마존 밀림을 살찌웁니다
Winds blowing across the Indian Ocean collect moisture and sweep northwards towards the Himalayas.
인도양을 거쳐가는 바람은 습기를 모아 북쪽 히말라야 산맥으로 몰아갑니다
As the air rises, so it cools.
공기가 상승함에 따라 온도가 내려갑니다
The water it carries condenses into clouds and then falls as the life giving rains of the monsoon.
공기속에 있던 수증기는 구름이 되고 비가 되어 생명의 비를 뿌려줍니다
So air currents powered by the sun carry wet air to the middle of continents.
이와 같이 태양에 의한 공기 흐름은 구름을 대륙 깊숙히 데려갑니다
In a few special places, however
하지만 어떤 곳들은
the temperate seas sustain these levels of life throughout the summer.
온대바다에서도 여름 내내 이런 먹이사슬이 유지됩니다
Along the coast of California, ocean currents carry a constant supply
캘리포니아의 해안에서는 해류가 바닥으로부터
of nutrients up from the depths to the surface layers.
수면으로 끊임없이 영양분을 분출시킵니다
These upwellings fertilize forests of giant kelp, that thrive in the summer sunshine.
그래서 여름 햇살 아래 자라는 거대한 켈프숲은 비옥해지지요
The algal towers are as high as a three story house
이 거대한 해초는 3층 건물 높이로 자랍니다
and they can grow by half a meter a day.
하루에 50 cm나 자랄 수 있지요
But the nectar is not intended for lemurs.
하지만 여우원숭이는 불청객입니다
These giant hawk moths are the drinkers the tree needs to attract.
바오밥이 기다리고 있었던 것은 바로 이 자이언트 매나방입니다
As they sip, moving from tree to tree, so they transfer pollen and fertilize the flowers.
이들은 나무사이로 날라다니며 꽃가루를 옮겨 꽃을 수정시킵니다
Nectar was an excellent first course for the lemurs
여우원숭이에게 꿀물은 훌륭한 전채요리지만
but moths are the main dish.
나방은 메인요리입니다
The moths are very important to the lemurs
나방은 원숭이에게 매우 중요합니다
for they will replenish the fat reserves that the lemurs need to survive the barren dry season.
메마른 건기를 버틸 수 있는 지방을 채워 주기 때문입니다
The lemurs might seem to be a pest for the baobab.
바오밥 입장에서 여우원숭이는 해충이나 다름없습니다
They kill it's pollinators and rob it of it's nectar
수분 동물을 죽일 뿐 아니라 꿀물까지 훔쳐가니까요
but they do give something in return.
하지만 도움이 되기도 합니다
For, as the wrestle with the moths, their fur inevitably becomes dusted with pollen
나방과 씨름하다보면 원숭이털에 꽃가루가 묻게되어
so they, too, become pollinators.
수분작용을 돕게 되는 것이죠
의료진은 신생아의 상태를 확인하던 중 신생아의 복부 안쪽에 탯줄이 하나 더 있다는 사실을 발견했고, 검사 결과 이는 신생아와 함께 수정된 쌍둥이 태아의 흔적으로 밝혀졌다.
While checking the newborn's condition, the medical team discovered that there was an extra umbilical cord inside the newborn's abdomen, and the test revealed traces of twin fetuses that were fertilized with the newborn.
conjugation (접합, 공핵, 결합, 포합, 공동, 복합) 1. the act of joining together or the state
of being conjugated. 2. a sexual process seen in bacteria, ciliate protozoa, and certain
fungi in which nuclear material is exchanged during the temporary fusion of two cells
(conjugants). In bacterial genetics a form of sexual reproduction in which a donor
bacterium (male) contributes some, or all, of its DNA (in the form of a replicated set)
to a recipient (female) which then incorporates differing genetic information into its own
chromosome by recombination and passes the recombined set on to its progeny by
replication. In ciliate protozoa, two conjugants of separate mating types exchange
micronuclear material and then separate, each now being a fertilized cell. In certain
fungi, the process involves fusion of two gametes, resulting in union of their nuclei and
formation of a zygote. 3. in chemistry, the joining together of two compounds to
produce another compound, such as the combination of a toxic product with some
substance in the body to form a detoxified product, which is then eliminated.
mitosis (유사분열, 세포 분열상) a method of indirect division of a cell, consisting of a
complex of various processes, by means of which the two daughter nuclei normally
receive identical complements of the number of chromosomes characteristic of the
somatic cells of the species. Mitosis, the process by which the body grows and replaces
cells, is divided into four phases. 1. Prophase : formation of paired chromosomes;
disappearance of nuclear membrane; appearance of the achromatic spindle; formation of
polar bodies. 2. Metaphase : arrangement of chromosomes in the equatorial plane of the
central spindle to form the monaster. Chromosomes separate into exactly similar halves.
3. Anaphase : the two groups of daughter chromosomes separate and move along the
fibres of the central spindle, each toward one of the asters, forming the diaster. 4.
Telophase : the daughter chromosomes resolve themselves into a reticulum and the
daughter nuclei are formed; the cytoplasm divides, forming two complete daughter cells.
NOTE : the term mitosis is used interchangeably with cell division, but strictly speaking
it refers to nuclear division, whereas cytokinesis refers to division of the cytoplasm. In
some cells, as in many fungi and the fertilized eggs of many insects, nuclear division
occurs within the cell unaccompanied by division of the cytoplasm and formation of
daughter cells.
uterus (자궁) the hollow muscular organ in female mammals in which the fertilized
ovum normally becomes embedded and in which the developing embryo and fetus is
nourished. In the nongravid human, it is a pear-shaped structure; about 3 inches in
length, consisting of a body, fundus, isthmus, and cervix. Its cavity opens into the
vagina below, and into the uterine tube on either side at the cornu. It is supported by
direct attachment to the vagina and by indirect attachment to various other nearby
pelvic structures. Called also metra.
N98 인공 수정과 관련된 합병증(Complications associated with artificial fertilization)
N98.0 인공 수정과 관련된 감염(Infection associated with artificial insemination)
N98.1 난소의 과다자극(Hyperstimulation of ovaries)
난소의 과다자극(Hyperstimulation of ovaries) NOS
유도 배란과 관련된 난소의 과다자극(Hyperstimulation of ovaries associated with induced
N98.2 체외 수정후 수정란의 자궁내 이식의 합병증(Complications of attempted introduction of fertilized
ovum following in vitro fertilization)
N98.3 배아 전이에서 배아의 자궁내 이식의 합병증(Complications of attempted introduction of embryo
in embryo transfer)
N98.8 기타 인공 수정과 관련된 합병증(Other complications associated with artificial fertilization)
기증자에 의한 인공 수정의 합병증(Complications of artificial insemination by donor)
남편에 의한 인공 수정의 합병증(Complications of artificial insemination by husband)
N98.9 상세불명의 인공 수정과 관련된 합병증(Complication associated with artificial fertilization,
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