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financial institution
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financial institution 금융기관
shaky financial institution 부실한 금융기관
[위키] 금융 기관 Financial institution
[百] 금융기관 (金融機關) financial institution
[百d] 금융기관 [ 金融機關, financial institution ]
금리인하요구권을 신청하면 금융사는 대출금리가 신용 상태에 따라 변동 가능한 상품인지 확인합니다.
If you apply for the right to ask for a rate cut, the financial institution checks whether the loan rate is a product that can change depending on your credit status.
조건부자본증권은 부실금융기관 지정이나 채무조정 등 신용이벤트가 발생할 경우 자동으로 상각되거나 보통주로 전환되는 채권으로 통상 신종자본증권보다 금리 조건이 유리한데다 투자자들 입장에서는 회계상 지분증권이 아닌 부채로 인식한다는 점에서 투자부담이 적다.
A Contingent convertible bond is bonds that are automatically amortized or converted into ordinary shares in the event of a credit event such as the designation of an insolvent financial institution or debt restructuring, and the investment burden is low in that interest rate conditions are usually more favorable than new capital securities and investors perceive them as liabilities, not accounting equity securities.
국내 금융기관이 베트남 대형 부동산개발 사업에 지분 투자하는 것은 이번이 최초다.
This is the first time a domestic financial institution has invested in a large real estate development project in Vietnam.
이미 투자한 외국법인이 자체이익보유금이나 자본잉여금으로 증액 투자를 한 경우나 금융기관이 최대 주주인 경우에도 사후보고가 허용된다.
Post-reporting is also allowed if a foreign corporation that has already invested has increased investment with its own interest reserves or capital surplus, or if a financial institution is the largest shareholder.
조달 자금 가운데 금융기관 예금이 있다면 예금잔액증명서와 잔고증명서를 내야 하고 주식 매각대금이 있다면 주식거래내역서를 내야 하는 식이다.
If there is a deposit from a financial institution among the raised funds, a certificate of savings balance and a certificate of deposit balance must be submitted, and if there is a payment for stock sale, a stock sale statement must be submitted.
저축은행이 '지역서민금융기관'이란 이미지를 강화하고자 대출영업보다 '이미지 제고'를 위한 광고에 힘쓰면서다.
This happened as savings banks concentrated in advertising and hence 'enhance their image' instead of lending operations, as they intended to strengthen their image as a "local public financial institution."
단, 확정판결이 아니어서 조 회장이 금융기관 최고경영자직을 수행하는 데에는 법적 하자는 없다.
However, there is no legal defect in Chairman Cho's performance as CEO of a financial institution because it is not a final judgment.
금융의 사회적 책임이 갈수록 강조되는 가운데 국내 금융기관 중에서 가장 먼저 사회공헌사업 전담부서를 만든 곳은 바로 부산은행이다.
While the social responsibility of finance is emphasized as time goes by, Busan Bank is the first Korean financial institution to create a department dedicated to social contribution projects.
정책금융기관의 대출이나 보증 만기가 6개월 내로 도래할 경우 이를 최대 1년간 연장하고 원금 상환도 1년 유예한다.
If a policy financial institution's loan or guarantee expires within six months, it will be extended for up to one year and the principal repayment will be suspended for one year.
이 회장은 "정책금융도 구조조정이 필요한 시점"이라며 "합병을 통해 훨씬 더 강력한 정책금융기관이 나올 수 있고, 그러면 집중적 지원도 가능하지 않겠느냐는 생각"이라고 설명했다.
Chairman Lee said, "It is time for policy financing to be restructured," adding, "I think that the merger could lead to a much stronger policy financial institution and that intensive support would be possible."
연체 발생 전에 신청을 하면 해당 금융사로부터 새롭게 대출을 받는데 제한을 받고 신용카드 한도 확대에도 제약이 있다.
If you apply before the delinquency occurs, you will be restricted from getting a new loan from the financial institution in question, and there will be restrictions on expanding the credit card limit.
전세자금대출특약보증은 금융기관으로부터 전세자금을 대출받은 임차인이 대출원리금을 상환하지 못한 경우 HUG가 반환을 책임지는 상품으로, 금융기관에서는 HUG 전세보증금반환보증과 연계해 전세금안심대출보증으로 취급하고 있다.
The special lease loan guarantee is a product in which HUG is responsible for the return of the loan principal if the tenant who borrowed the lease deposit from a financial institution fails to repay the loan principal, and financial institutions treat it as a loan guarantee in connection with the HUG lease deposit return guarantee.
의료기관 개설자가 오는 16일까지 취급 금융기관을 방문해 신청하면 된다.
The founder of a medical institution can visit the financial institution to apply by the 16th.
1) 화폐 (통화량)
money (the money supply) = anything that is generally accepted in payments for goods and services or in the repayment of debts.
2) 인플레이션
inflation = a condition of a continually rising price level.
3) 물가수준
the aggregate price level = the average price of goods and services in an economy.
4) 물가상승률
the inflation rate = the rate of change of the price level, usually measured a percentage change per year.
5) 화폐이론
monetary theory = the theory that relates changes in the quantity of money to changes in economic activity and the price level.
6) 총생산
aggregate output = total production of goods and services
7) 실업률
the unemployment rate = the percentage of the available labor force unemployed.
8) 경기순환 (주기)
the business cycle = the upward and downward movement of aggregate output produced in the economy.
9) 경기침체
a recession = a period when aggregate output is declining, usually for two consecutive quarters or longer
10) 금리
interest rate = the cost of borrowing or the price paid for the rental of funds.
11) 예산적자 = the budget deficit
= the excess of government expenditures over tax revenues, a deficit that the government must finance by borrowing.
ex) In 1983, budget deficits peaked relative to the size of the economy, but have declined since then.
12) 은행 = bank
= a financial institution that accept deposits and make loans.
major functions of banks
ex) Banks provide a channel for linking those who want to save with those who want to invest.
ex) They play an important role in determining the quantity of money in the economy.
ex) They have been one source of the rap
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