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형광복강경 광역학 치료시스템은 암세포에 선택적으로 축적되는 광감각제를 췌장암 병변에 직접 주입, 형광복강경 진단기기로 암세포의 정확한 위치와 범위를 파악한 뒤 광역학 레이저로 암세포를 소작해 사멸시키는 방법이다.
The fluorescent laparoscopic photodynamic therapy system is a method of injecting photoreceptor, which is optionally accumulated in cancer cells, directly into pancreatic cancer lesions, identifying the exact location and range of cancer cells with fluorescence laparoscopy equipment, and cauterizing and killing cancer cells with a photodynamic laser.
냉동지방분해술은 비침습적 시술로 팔뚝, 복부, 허벅지에 축적된 지방세포만 선택적으로 냉동시켜 체외로 배출시킨다.
Frozen lipolysis is a non-invasive procedure that optionally freezes only fat cells accumulated in the forearm, abdomen and thighs and discharges them out of the body.
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