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outgrow 〔`autgr´ou〕 성장하다...보다 빨리 자라다
I have outgrown my overcoat.
내 오버코트가 작아져서 못 입게 되었다.
The Jacket Dad bought me last year is too small. I have outgrown it.
작년에 아버지가 나에게 사주신 재킷은 너무 작다. 나는 그것을 못 입을 만큼 컸다.
Children come to kindergarten with a great range of abilities.
Some children are already reading.
On the other hand, some children don't catch onto the reading lesson until they're seven or eight.
These children are perfectly normal, just a little late.
If you are a parent or teacher of one of these children, don't nag.
Instead, soothe yourself and the child by remembering that children learn to walk and talk at different rates, and that late bloomers catch up.
Many problems, such as the inability to concentrate and write letters correctly, are natural to young children and will be outgrown in time.
유치원에 가는 아이들의 능력은 매우 다양하다.
어떤 아이들은 이미 읽을 줄 안다.
반면, 어떤 아이들은 일곱 살이나 여덟 살이 될 때까지 읽기 수업을 따라가지 못한다.
이러한 아이들은 지극히 정상적이며 단지 조금 늦을 따름이다.
이러한 아이의 부모나 교사라면 잔소리를 하지 말라.
대신에, 아이들이 걷고 말하는 것을 배우는 것은 시차가 있으며 늦게 배우는 아이들도 따라가게 되어 있다는 것을 염두에 두고, 자신과 아이의 마음을 편안하게 하라.
집중력이 부족하고 철자를 정확하게 쓰지 못하는 것과 같은 여러 가지 문제는 어린 아이들에게는 자연스러운 것이며 시간이 지나면 극복될 것이다.
The boy grew out of his earlier interests.
= The boy outgrew his earlier interests.
= The boy grew bigger than his earlier interests.
그 소년은 자라서 종전의 관심거리를 그만두었다.
Where have we failed? Is it hereditary, or what? The older one has outgrown
the habit, but I still find her with her thumb in her mouth when she sleeps.
It's the younger one I'm worried about. He keeps his thumb in his mouth
all the time, expect when he eats or cries.
우리가 어떤 면에서 실패했을까요? 이것은 유전적인 것입니까, 그렇지 않으면
무엇입니까? 큰 녀석은 자라서 이 버릇을 그만 두었지만, 아직도 이 계집아이는
잠잘때에 엄지손가락을 입에 물고 있습니다. 제가 염려하는 것은
작은 녀석입니다. 이 사내아이는 항상 엄지손가락을 입에 넣고 있습니다.
먹거나 울때를 제외하고는 말입니다.
For millions of people around the world, he was, quite simply, the living symbol of
Israel. With his distinctive black eye patch and round boyish face, he was instantly
recognizable in any country, in any kind of uniform, even in disguise, which he
donned from time to time in the service of his nation's diplomacy. Soldier, statesman
and swashbuckling hero of Israel's wars with its Arab neighbors, Moshe Dayan
occupied center stage in Israel for more than 30 years. By the time he died last week
of a heart attack at 66, Dayan had largely outgrown his image as a warrior and
become an impassioned advocate of peace.
전 세계 수많은 사람들이 보기에,그는 아주 간단히 말해서, 살아있는
이스라엘의 상징이었다. 뚜렷이 눈에 뛰는 검은 안대와 둥근 소년같은
얼굴(동안)때문에 그는 어느 나라에 있던지, 어떤 제복을 입고 있던지 심지어
위장하고 있어도 즉각 알아볼 수 있었다. (그런데 그는 자기 나라 외교를
위하여 때때로 위장복을 입었다.) 군인으로서,정치가로서, 그리고 아랍
이웃들과 이스라엘 중앙무대를 30년 이상 동안 차지했다. 지난 주 심장마비로
66세에 사망했을 적에, 다이언은 대체로 군인이라는 인상에서 벗어나서 열렬한
평화의 옹호자가 되어 있었다.
People never outgrow their need for love.
사람은 아무리 나이가 들어도 사랑이 필요하다.
= No matter how old one may grow, one needs love.
The child has outgrown his earlier interests.
그 아이는 자라서 그 전에 갖고 있던 관심들을 버렸다.
Though his clothes were a little outgrown, there was something attractive
about the boy.
비록 그가 입고있는 옷은 체구가 자라나서 다소 몸에 작았지만, 그
소년에게는 무엇인가 매력적인 것이 있었다.
Do people outgrow their need for love?
사람들이 사랑이 필요하지 않을 만큼 나이가 들까?
(=사람은 아무리 나이가 들어도 사랑이 필요하다.)
Here I am - Air Supply
Here I am
나 여기 이렇게 있어요
Playing with those memories again
그 아름답던 추억들을 다시 떠올리며...
And just when I thought time had set me free
시간의 흐름 속에 자유로워진 것 같은 때도
Those thoughts of you keep taunting me
그대의 기억은 여전히 나를 조롱합니다.
Holding you
그대를 꼭 껴안는 그 느낌에서
A feeling I never outgrew
벗어날 수 없어요
Though each and every part of me has tried
몸의 마디마디마다 그렇게 애를 썼거만
Only you can fill that space inside
오직 그대만이 내 마음의 빈 공간을 채울 수 있어요
My heart it's not mending
감수하려 해도 소용없네요. 아물지 않는 내 마음이여.
** Just when I thought I was over you
그대를 떨쳐 버렸다 생각했을 때
And just when I thought I could stand on my own
나 스스로 설 수 있다 생각했을 때면
Oh baby those memories come crashing through
오, 그대와의 추억이 물밀듯이 다가오지요.
And I just can't go on without you
그대 없이는 살아갈 수 없어요.
On my own I've tried to make the best of it alone
나 홀로 슬픔을 이겨 내려 애썼답니다.
I've done everything I can to ease the pain
고통을 잠재우려 온갖 노력을 다했었지요.
But only you can stop the rain
하지만 그대만이 이 우울한 빗줄기를 멈출 수 있어요
I just can't live without you
그대없이는 살수 없어요.
I miss everything about you
그대의 모든 것이 그리울 뿐입니다.
** Repeat
( 반복 )
And I just can't go on without
하지만 그대 없이
Go on without, go on without
그대 없이는 살아갈 수 없어요.
It's just no good without you
그대 없이는 아무 것도 소용없어요.
Without you ...
그대 없이는...
outgrow 빨리성장하다,빨리자라다
The concept of obtaining fresh water from iceberg that are towed to
populated areas and arid regions of the world was once treated as a joke
more appropriate to cartoons than real life. But now it is being
considered quite seriously by many nations, especially since scientists
have warned that the human race will outgrow its fresh water supply
faster than it runs out of food.
세상의 인구가 많은 지역과 건조한 지역으로 빙산을 끌고 와서 민물을 얻을
수 있다는 개념이, 전에는 현실보다는 만화에 더 어울리는 농담으로
취급되었었다, 그러나 지금 그것이 많은 나라들에 의해서 꽤 진지하게
고려되고 있다. 특히, 인류는 음식이 떨어지는 것보다도 더 빠른 속도로
인간의 증가가 민물의 공급을 능가할 것이라고 과학자들이 경고한 이래로.
A Douglas fir tree reaches its maximum rate of growth ten years later
than an alder, and if two of them begin life at the same time, the alder
quickly outgrows and dominates the Douglas fir. After an alder canopy
has closed, the Douglas fir suffers a marked decrease in growth, often
dying within several years. Even more shade-tolerant species of trees
such as hemlock may remain badly suppressed beneath aggressive young
미송나무(Douglas fir)는 오리나무보다 10년 후에 그것의 최대 성장 높이에
도달한다. 그리고 그 두 나무가 동시에 자라기 시작한다면, 오리나무가
재빨리 미송나무보다 높이 성장해서 미송나무를 지배하게 된다. 오리나무의
차단하는 잎들이 하늘을 덮고 나면, 미송은 성장에 있어서 대단한 감소를
겪게 되고, 흔히 몇 년 이내에 죽는다. 미국솔송나무(hemlock)와 같은 그늘을
더 잘 견뎌내는 나무의 종들도 공격적인 젊은 오리나무의 아래서는 심하게
압박을 받게 될 수 있다.
ome - came - come
cost - cost - cost
creep - crept - crept
cut - cut - cut
deal - dealt - dealt
dig - dug - dug
dive (scuba diving) - dived - dived
dive (jump head-first) - dove - dived
do - did - done
draw - drew - drawn
dream - dreamt/dreamed - dreamt/dreamed
drink - drank - drunk
drive - drove - driven
dwell - dwelt/dwelled - dwelt/dwelled
eat - ate - eaten
fall - fell - fallen
feed - fed - fed
feel - felt - felt
fight - fought - fought
find - found - found
fit (to be right size) - fit - fit
fit (to tailor, change size) - fit/fitted - fit/fitted
flee - fled - fled
fling - flung - flung
fly - flew - flown
forbid - forbade - forbidden
forecast - forecast - forecast
forego (also forgo) - forewent - foregone
foresee - foresaw - foreseen
foretell - foretold - foretold
forget - forgot - forgotten
forgive - forgave - forgiven
forsake - forsook - forsaken
freeze - froze - frozen
get - got - gotten/got
give - gave - given
go - went - gone
grind - ground - ground
grow - grew - grown
hang - hung - hung
have - had - had
hear - heard - heard
hide - hid - hidden
hit - hit - hit
hold - held - held
hurt - hurt - hurt
input - input - input
inset - inset - inset
interbreed - interbred - interbred
interweave - interwove - interwoven
keep - kept - kept
kneel - knelt/kneeled - knelt/kneeled
knit - knit/knitted - knit/knitted
know - knew - known
lay - laid - laid
lead - led - led
lean - leaned/leant - leaned/leant
leap - leapt/leaped - leapt/leaped
learn - learned/learnt - learned/learnt
leave - left - left
lend - lent - lent
let - let - let
lie - lay - lain
light - lit/lighted - lit/lighted
lose - lost - lost
make - made - made
mean - meant - meant
meet - met - met
mishear - misheard - misheard
mislay - mislaid - mislaid
mislead - misled - misled
misread - misread - misread
misspell - misspelled/misspelt - misspelled/misspelt
mistake - mistook - mistaken
misunderstand - misunderstood - misunderstood
mow - mowed - mowed/mown
outbid - outbid - outbid
outdo - outdid - outdone
outgrow - outgrew - outgrown
outrun - outran - outrun
outsell - outsold - outsold
overcast - overcast - overcast
overcome - overcame - overcome
overdo - overdid - overdone
overdraw - overdrew - overdrawn
overeat - overate - overeaten
overhang - overhung - overhung
overhear - overheard - overheard
overlay - overlaid - overlaid
overlie - overlay - overlain
overpay - overpaid - overpaid
override - overrode - overridden
overrun - overran - overrun
oversee - oversaw - overseen
oversell - oversold - oversold
overshoot - overshot - overshot
oversleep - overslept - overslept
overtake - overtook - overtaken
overthrow - overthrew - overthrown
partake - partook - partaken
pay - paid - paid
plead - pled/pleaded - pled/pleaded
pre-set - pre-set - pre-set
proofread - proofread - proofread
prove - proved - proven/proved
put - put - put
quit - quit/quitted - quit/ quitted
read - read (sounds like "red") - read (sounds like "red")
rebind - rebound - rebound
rebuild - rebuilt - rebuilt
recast - recast - recast
redo - redid - redone
re-lay (for example tiles) - re-laid - re-laid
remake - remade - remade
repay - repaid - repaid
rerun - reran - rerun
resell - resold - resold
reset - reset - reset
rethink - rethought - rethought
rewind - rewound - rewound
rewrite - rewrote - rewritten
rid - rid - rid
ride - rode - ridden
ring - rang - rung
rise - rose - risen
run - ran - run
say - said - said
see - saw - seen
seek - sought - sought
sell - sold - sold
send - sent - sent
set - set - set
sew - sewed - sewn/sewed
shake - shook - shaken
shear - sheared - shorn/sheared
shed - shed - shed
shine - shined/shone - shined/shone
shit - shit/shat - shit/shat
shoot - shot - shot
show - showed - shown/showed
shrink - shrank/shrunk - shrunk
shut - shut - shut
sing - sang - sung
sit - sat - sat
slay - slew - slain
sleep - slept - slept
slide - slid - slid
sling - slung - slung
slit - slit - slit
smell - smelled/smelt - smelled/smelt
speak - spoke - spoken
speed - sped/speeded - sped/speeded
spell - spelled/spelt - spelled/spelt
spend - spent - spent
spin - spun - spun
spit - spit/spat - spit/spat
split - split - split
spoil - spoiled/spoilt - spoiled/spoilt
spoon-feed - spoon-fed - spoon-fed
spread - spread - spread
spring - sprang/sprung - sprung
stand - stood - stood
steal - stole - stolen
stick - stuck - stuck
sting - stung - stung
stink - stank/stunk - stunk
strew - strewed - strewn/strewed
stride - strode - stridden
strive - strove - striven
strike (delete) - struck - stricken
strike (hit) - struck - struck/stricken
string - strung - strung
strive - strove/strived - striven/strived
swear - swore - sworn
sweep - swept - swept
swell - swelled - swollen,swelled
swim - swam - swum
swing - swung - swung
take - took - taken
teach - taught - taught
tear - tore - torn
tell - told - told
think - thought - thought
throw - threw - thrown
thrust - thrust - thrust
tread - trod - trodden, trod
unbind - unbound - unbound
underlie - underlay - underlain
understand - understood - understood
undertake - undertook - undertaken
underwrite - underwrote - underwritten
undo - undid - undone
unwind - unwound - unwound
uphold - upheld - upheld
upset - upset - upset
wake - woke/waked - woken/waked
wear - wore - worn
weave - wove - woven
wed - wed/wedded - wed/wedded
weep - wept - wept
wet - wet/wetted - wet/wetted
win - won - won
wind - wound - wound
withdraw - withdrew - withdrawn
wring - wrung - wrung
write - wrote - written
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