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outgrowth 〔´autgr`ouθ〕 자연의 결과, 가지, 생장물, 성장
ramification: consequence or outgrowth: 효과, 결과, 분열
Every language is the outgrowth of the way a particular group of people live.
모든 언어는 어떤 특정한 집단의 사람들이 살아가는 방식의 부산물이다.
Every language contains word symbols for ideas its users need to express.
모든 언어는 그 사용자가 어떤 생각을 표현하는데 필요한 낱말을 포함한다.
It does not, however, contain words for unfamiliar ideas, ideas that have no meaning in that culture.
하지만 그들 문화속에서 의미가 없는 친숙하지 않은 관념에 대한 낱말은 없다.
For example, English contains only a limited number of words for ideas related to a camel.
Camels are just not important to English culture.
예를 들어, 영어 문화권에는 낙타가 그다지 중요하지 않기 때문에, 영어에는 낙타와 관련된 낱말은 많지 않다.
To Arabs, on the other hand, camels are important.
반면에 아라비아인들에게는 낙타는 중요하다.
They are so important that Arabic contains numerous words for the camel and the equipment that is used with it.
이들은 너무 중요해서 아라비아어에는 낙타와 낙타에 사용되는 장구와 관련된 단어가 엄청나게 많이 있다.
outgrowth 자연스러운 결과, 파생물, 부산물
outgrowth 자연적인 발달(산물), 부산물
ramification: consequence or outgrowth: 효과, 결과, 분열
hyperkeratosis (과각화증) 1. hypertrophy of the corneous layer of the skin. 2a. any of
various conditions marked by hyperkeratosis. 2b. a disease of cattle marked by
thickening and wringling of the hide and formation of papillary outgrowths on the
buccal mucous membranes, often accompanied by watery discharge from eyes and nose,
diarrhoea, loss of condition, and abortion of pregnant animals, and now believed to result
from ingestion of the chlorinated naphthalene of various lubricating oils.
pseudopod-like outgrowth (위족 같은 돌출)
pervicacious :
Refusing to change one's ideas, behavior, etc.; stubborn; obstinate.
In fact, I'm a word nerd. I get a kick out of tossing a few odd ones intomy column, just to see if the pervicacious editors will weed them out.
One of the most pervicacious young creatures that ever was heard of.
-- Samuel Richardson, Clarissa
The language of the bureaucrats and administrators must needs be recognized as an outgrowth of legal parlance. There is no other way to explain itspervading, pervicacious and pernicious meanderings.
-- New York Law Journal, May 27, 1909
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