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pertain 〔p∂rt´ein〕 속삭이다, 관계하다, 적합하다
pertain 관련하다, 연관되다
mnemonic pertaining to memory
pharisaical pertaining to the Pharisees, self-righteous, hypocritical
psychopathic pertaining to mental derangement
pulmonary pertaining to the lungs
thespian pertaining to drama
vernal pertaining to spring
vitreous pertaining to or resembling glass
Your remark hardly pertains to the matter in hand.
당신의 말은 당면 문제와 거의 관련이 없다.
agrarian 농지의, 토지의 (pertaining to land or its cultivation)
The country is gradually losing its agrarian occupation and turning more and
more to an industrial point of view.
colloquial 대화체의, 구어체적인 (pertaining to conversational or common speech)
Your use of colloquial expressions in a formal essay such as the one you have
presented spoils the effect you hope to achieve.
lunar 달의 (pertaining to the moon)
Lunar craters can be plainly seen with the aid of a small telescope.
mnemonic 기억의 (pertaining to memory)
he used mnemonic tricks to master mew words.
monetary 금전상의 (pertaining to money)
She was in complete charge of all monetary matters affecting the household.
pathological 병리학의 (pertaining to disease)
As we study the pathological aspects of this disease, we must not overlook the
psychological elements.
pecuniary 금전의, 돈의 (pertaining to money)
I never expected pecuniary reward for my work in this activity.
provincial 지방의; 편협한 (pertaining to a province; limited)
We have to overcome their provincial attitude and get them to become more
cogizant of world problems.
psychopathic 정신병의 (pertaining to mental derangement)
The psychopathic patient suffers more frequently from a disorder of the nervous
system than from a diseased brain.
pulmonary 폐의 (pertaining to the lungs)
In his researches on pulmonary diseases, he discovered many facts about the
lungs of animals and human beings.
rustic 시골의; 투박한 (pertaining to country people; uncouth)
The backwoodsman looked out of place in his rustic attire.
substantive 본질적인; 독립의 (essential; pertaining to the substance)
Although the delegates were aware of the importance of the problem, they could
not agree on the substantive issues.
thermal 열의 (pertaining to heat)
The natives discovered that the hot springs gave excellent thermal baths and
began to develop their community as a health resort.
thespian 희곡의 (pertaining to drama)
Her success in the school play convinced her she was destined for a thespian
traumatic 외상 치료의 (pertaining to an injury caused by violence)
In his nightmares, he kept on recalling the traumatic experience of being
wounded in battle.
ursine 곰 같은 (bearlike; pertaining to a bear)
Because of its ursine appearance, the great panda has been identified with the
bears;actually, it is closely related to the raccoon.
valedictory 고별의 (pertaining to farewell)
I found the valedictory address too long; leave-taking should be brief.
vernal 봄의 (pertaining to spring)
We may expect vernal showers all during the month of April.
This is an excellent report because everything in it pertains directly to the subject under discussions.
이것은 훌륭한 보고서이다. 왜냐하면 여기에 있는 모든 것이 토론 중인 주제와 직접적인 관계가 있기 때문이다.
따라서, 정부가 공식으로 연구를 발표할 때까지 이 프로젝트에 관계된 실험의
어떠한 부분도 저희측에서 공표할 수 없는 입장입니다.
Therefore, we are not in a position to publish or disclose any part of
our experiments pertaining to this project until the Government
officially publishes the research report.
not it a position to ~[~할 수 있는 입장이 아니다]
Thank you for your letter of July 13, regarding the new container
facility available at the port of Philadelphia.
필라델피아항에서 이용 가능한 새로운 콘테이너 시설에 관한 7월 13일자 편지
감사히 받아보았습니다.
regarding [~에 관해] 편지의 내용을 이끌어내는 일반적인 말. 이외에
pertaining to나 informing us of도 사용된다.
pertain 속하다,부속하다,알맞다,어울리다,관계하다
You busy? I was hoping we might be able to talk about a few things.
시간 있나? 몇 가지 얘기하고 싶은 게 있는데
- Pertaining to the case? - As a jumping-off point.
- 사건에 관련된 건가요? - 일단 시작은 그렇겠지
Well, Sheriff, I'd say let's go to my office, but I don't have one.
제 사무실에서 말씀드리고 싶지만 제가 사무실이 없네요
Well, that's just the sort of thing I was hoping we would discuss.
바로 그 문제로 자네와 의논을 해보려는 건데 말이야
We should reexamine each victim all the evidence pertaining to each one individually.
한 명씩 각각의 사건을 맡아서 피해자와 증거를 다시 조사해 봐
All right, well, I got dibs on Eileen Snow.
그럼 전 아일린 스노우를 맡죠
And I have a strong feeling
아주 예감이 좋은데요
I'm going to be the one to break the case.
제가 사건을 해결하게 될 걸요
Tracy Berg.
트레이시 버그
buccal (협, 협측) 뺨을 향하는. pertaining to or directed toward the cheek. In dental
anatomy, used to refer to the buccal surface of a tooth.
double-blind : pertaining to a clinical trial or other experiment in which neither the
subject nor the person administering treatment knows which treatment any particular
subject is receiving.
facial of or pertaining to the face.
genital (생식기의) pertaining to the genitalia.
hepatic : pertaining to the liver.
hormonal (호르몬성) pertaining to or of the nature of a hormone.
hygienic : pertaining to hygiene, or conducive to health.
infantile (유아) pertaining to an infant or to infancy.
inguinal : pertaining to the inguen, or groin.
integumentary : pertaining to or composed of skin.
interstitial (간질, 간질성의, 재개성의) 조직 사이의 공간과 관련된. pertaining to or situated
between parts or in the interspaces of a tissue.
intrinsic (내인성) 반대어=extrinsic. 완전히 기관이나 조직 또는 그 일부 안으로부터 유래하
거나 위치하는. situated entirely within or pertaining exclusively to a part.
juvenile (연소성, 연소자성, 연소자형, 연소형) pertaining to youth or childhood; young or
kinetic : pertaining to or producing motion.
leucocytic : pertaining to leucocytes.
leukocytic : pertaining to leucocytes.
limbic : pertaining to a limbus, or margin; forming a border around.
lipophilic : having an affinity for fat; pertaining to or characterized by lipophilia.
locomotor : of or pertaining to locomotion; pertaining to or affecting the locomotive
apparatus of the body.
lymphocytic : pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of lymphocytes.
lytic (환산성의, 용균소 생성의) 용해 (lysis)에 관련된. 1. pertaining to lysis or to a lysin.
2. producing lysis.
medullary (수질성) pertaining to the marrow or to any medulla; resembling marrow.
microscopical 1. of extremely small size; visible only by the aid of the microscope. 2.
pertaining or relating to a microscope or to microscopy.
microsomal : of or pertaining to microsomes : vesicular fragments of endoplasmic
reticulum formed after disruption and centrifugation of cells.
mineralocorticoid (염류 코르티코이드) 1. any of the group of C21 corticosteroids,
principally aldosterone, predominantly involved in the regulation of electrolyte and water
balance through their effect on ion transport in epithelial cells of the renal tubules,
resulting in retention of sodium and loss of potassium; some also possess varying
degrees of glucocorticoid activity. Their secretion is regulated principally by plasma
volume, serum potassium concentration and angiotensin II, and to a lesser extent by
anterior pituitary ACTH. 2. of, pertaining to, having the properties of, or resembling a
molecular (분자의) of, pertaining to, or composed of molecules : a very small mass of
muscular (근육성) pertaining to or composing muscle.
narcotic : 1. pertaining to or producing narcosis. 2. an agent that produces insensibility
or stupor, applied especially to the opioids, i.e. to any natural or synthetic drug that has
morphine-like actions.
neoplastic (신생물성, 종양성) 신생물의, 종양의. pertaining to or like a neoplasm (= any
new and abnormal growth); pertaining to neoplasia (= the formation of a neoplasm).
neural (신경성) 하나 혹은 그 이상의 신경에 관한. 1. pertaining to a nerve or to the
nerves. 2. situated in the region of the spinal axis, as the neutral arch.
nocturnal (야간의) 반대어=diurnal. 야간 시간과 관련이 있거나 그 때 발생하는. pertaining
to, occurring at, or active at night.
orthostatic (기립성, 직립성) 똑바로 선 위치나 수직위에 관련된. pertaining to or caused
by standing erect.
papillary (유두상, 유두형, 유두상의) pertaining to or resembling papilla, or nipple.
parallel (평행) 1. pertaining to straight lines or planes that do not intersect. 2. pertaining
to electric circuit components connected 'in parallel' so that the current flow divides,
each branch passing through one component, and rejoins; applied by extension to any
similar parallel circuit, e.g. the systemic circulation to the various organs.
parasitic : pertaining to, of the nature of, or caused by a parasite.
parietal : 1. of or pertaining to the walls of a cavity. 2. pertaining to or located near the
parietal bone, as the parietal lobe.
pathologic (병적, 병리학적) 질환을 나타내거나 원인이 되는. 1. indicative of or caused by
a morbid condition. 2. pertaining to pathology (= branch of medicine that treats the
essential nature of the disease, especially the structural and functional changes in tissues
and organs of the body caused by the disease).
peptic : pertaining to pepsin or to digestion; related to the action of gastric juices.
perinatal : pertaining to or occurring in the period shortly before and after birth;
variously defined as beginning with completion of the twentieth to twenty-eighth week
of gestation and ending 7 to 28 days after birth.
perineal : pertaining to the perineum.
perioperative : pertaining to the period extending from the time of hospitalization for
surgery to the time of discharge.
peripheral (말초성, 말초성의, 말초) pertaining to or situated at or near the periphery;
situated away from a centre or central structure.
phallic : pertaining to the phallus, or penis.
pharmaceutical (약제) 1. pertaining to pharmacy or to drugs. 2. a medicinal drug.
pharmacologic : pertaining to pharmacology or to the properties and reactions of drugs.
physical : pertaining to the body, to material things, or to physics.
precordial : pertaining to the precordium (= region over the heart and lower part of the
proteolytic (단백분해, 단백용해) 1. pertaining to, characterized by, or promoting
proteolysis. 2. an enzyme that promotes proteolysis (= the splitting of proteins by
hydrolysis of the peptide bonds with formation of smaller polypeptides).
protozoan 1. any individual of the protozoa; protozoon. 2. of or pertaining to the
protozoa; protozoal.
pruritic : pertaining to or characterized by pruritus.
pseudomembranous (위막성) marked by or pertaining to a pseudomembrane.
psychiatric (정신과적) pertaining to or within the purview of psychiatry.
psychic : pertaining to the psyche or to the mind; mental.
psychologic (정신과적) pertaining to psychology.
psychological : pertaining to psychology.
psychomotor (정신 운동성) pertaining to motor effects of cerebral or psychic activity.
psychosomatic (심신성) 동의어=somatopsychic. 정신과 신체 모두에 관한. pertaining to the
mind-body relationship; having bodily symptoms of psychic, emotional, or mental origin;
called also psychophysiologic.
pustular : pertaining to or of the nature of a pustule; consisting of pustules (= a visible
collection of pus within or beneath the epidermis).
qualitative : pertaining to quality.
qualitive : pertaining to quality.
radiologic : pertaining to radiology.
radiological : pertaining to radiology.
regional : pertaining to, limited to, or affecting a certain region or regions.
renovascular : of or pertaining to the blood vessels of the kidneys.
retinal (망막의) 1. pertaining to the retina. 2. the aldehyde of retinol, derived by the
oxidative enzymatic splitting of absorbed dietary carotene, and having vitamin A
activity. In the retina, retinal combines with opsins to form visual pigments. One isomer,
11-cis retinal combines with opsin in the rods (scotopsin) to form rhodopsin, or visual
purple. Another, all-trans retinal (trans-r.); visual yellow; xanthopsin) results from the
bleaching of rhodopsin by light, in which the 11-cis form is converted to the all-trans
form. Retinal also combines with opsins in the cones (photopsins) to form the three
pigments responsible for colour vision. Called also retinal, and retinene1.
sensory (감각의) pertaining to or subserving sensation.
sinusal : pertaining to the sinus.
somatic (신체의, 체성, 체세포의, 신체적) 1. pertaining to or characteristic of the soma or
body. 2. pertaining to the body wall in contrast to the viscera.
specific (특이한) 1. pertaining to a species. 2. produces by a single kind of
microorganism. 3. a remedy specially indicated for any particular disease. 4. in
immunology, pertaining to the special affinity of antigen for the corresponding antibody.
spinal : pertaining to a spine or to the vertebral column.
stomatological : pertaining to stomatology.
structural (구조적) pertaining to or affecting the structure.
subjective (주관의, 주관적인) pertaining to or perceived only by the affected individual,
not perceptible to the senses of another person.
영향을 받은 개인에게만 관계되거나 그 사람만에 의하여 인식되고 다른 사람의 감각으로 인식할 수 없는
surgical (외과적) of, pertaining to, or correctable by surgery.
sympathetic (교감신경계의, 교감신경성) 교감신경계에 관한. 1. pertaining to, caused by, or
exhibiting sympathy. 2. a sympathetic nerve or the sympathetic nervous system.
symptomatic (대증적, 증상성) 1. pertaining to or of the nature of a symptom. 2.
indicative (of a particular disease or disorder). 3. exhibiting the symptoms of a particular
disease but having a different cause. 4. directed at the allying of symptoms, as
symptomatic treatment.
synaptic : pertaining to or affecting a synapse (= site of functional apposition between
neurons, at which an impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another by electrical or
chemical means); pertaining to synapsis (= pairing off in point-for-point association of
homologous chromosomes from the male and female pronuclei during the early prophase
of meiosis).
synovial (활막, 활액의) 활액이나 활액 분비에 관한. of pertaining to, or secreting synovia.
teratologic : pertaining to teratology (= division of embryology and pathology which
deals with abnormal development and congenital malformations.
teratological : pertaining to teratology (= division of embryology and pathology which
deals with abnormal development and congenital malformations.
terminal (말단) 1. forming or pertaining to an end; placed at the end. 2. a termination,
end, or extremity.
testicular : pertaining to a testis.
theoretical : of, pertaining to, or consisting in theory; not practical (distinguished from
therapeutic (치료용, 치료의) 치료나 치유 술식에 관련된; 질병을 회복하거나 낫게 하는. 1.
pertaining to therapeutics, or to the art of healing. 2. curative.
thoracic : pertaining to or affecting the chest.
topical (국소적, 국소적인) pertaining to a particular surface area, as a topical
anti-infective applied to a certain area of the skin and affecting only the area to which
it is applied.
toxic (독성, 독성의) pertaining to, due to, or of the nature of a poison or toxin;
manifesting the symptoms of severe infection.
toxicologic : pertaining to toxicology.
trophic (영양의) 영양 (nutrition)이나 영양섭취 (nourishment)에 관한. of or pertaining to
tubercular : of, pertaining to, or resembling tubercles or nodules.
tubular (관상) shaped like a tube; of or pertaining to a tubule.
uricosuric 1. pertaining to, characterized by, or promoting uricosuria (= the excretion of
uric acid in the urine). 2. an agent that promotes uricosuria.
urinary : pertaining to the urine; containing or secreting urine.
urogenital : pertaining to the urinary and genital apparatus; genitourinary.
vaginal 1. of the nature of a sheath; ensheathing. 2. pertaining to the vagina. 3.
pertaining to the tunica vaginalis testis.
vascular (혈관성) 혈관에 관한. pertaining to blood vessels or indicative of a copious
blood supply.
vegetative (생장하는) 1. concerned with growth and with nutrition. 2. functioning
involuntarily or unconsciously, as the vegetative nervous system. 3. resting; denoting the
portion of a cell cycle during which the cell is not involved in replication. 4. of,
pertaining to, or characteristic of plants.
venereal : pertaining or related to or transmitted by sexual contact.
venous : of or pertaining to the veins.
ventral (복측의) 1. pertaining to the belly or to any venter. 2. denoting a position more
toward the belly surface than some other object of reference; same as anterior in human
vertebral : of or pertaining to a vertebra.
vesicular (낭포, 소포성의, 소수포성) 1. composed of or relating to small, saclike bodies.
2. pertaining to or made up of vesicles on the skin.
vestibular : pertaining to or toward a vestibule. In dental anatomy, used to refer to the
tooth surface directed toward the vestibule of the mouth.
viral (바이러스성, 바이러스의) pertaining to, caused by, or of the nature of virus.
visceral (내장의) pertaining to a viscus.
visual : pertaining to vision or sight.
vulval : pertaining to the vulva.
vulvar : pertaining to the vulva.
마가렛이 증언석에 올라가고 루이스는 인종적인 문제를 들고 나와
마가렛을 괴롭힌다...
(그건 그 아이에게는 상관이 없는 것 같아요.)
He plays with all of them.
(그 애는 그것들을 모두 다 가지고 놀죠.)
Lewis : As you know, Mrs Lewin,
(아시다시피, 레윈 부인,)
people don't have green or purple or orange faces.
(사람들은 녹색이나 보라색이나 오렌지색 얼굴을 가지고 있
지 않습니다.)
When you and Isaiah read together...
(당신과 아이제야가 같이 책을 읽을 때...)
... do any of the books you read have African-American
characters or pertain to African-American culture?
(... 당신들이 읽는 책 중에서 아프리카계 미국인 등장인물
이 나오거나 아프리카계 미국인의 문화와 관련이 있는 것이
(우리는 집에서 아이제야에게 여러가지 책을 읽어 줍니다.)
* all sorts of = all kinds of
Lewis : Oh, I'm sure you do.
(예, 물론 그러시겠지요.)
Section 516(A)(b)(2) of the Act defines the record as consisting of:
(i) a copy of all information presented to or obtained by ... the administering
authority ... during the course of the administrative proceeding, including all
governmental memoranda pertaining to the case and the record of ex parte
meetings required to be kept by [statute]; and
(ii) a copy of the determination, all transcripts or records of conferences or
hearings, and all notices published in the Federal Register.
법 제516조(A)(b)(2)는 행정기록이 아래와 같이 구성된다고 규정하고 있다.
(ⅰ) 당해 사건에 관한 모든 정부 메모와 법령에 의해 유지되도록 규정한
어느 한 당사자측과의 회의기록을 포함하여 행정절차과정중
행정당국에 제출되었거나, 얻어진 모든 정보자료의 사본
(ⅱ) 판정, 회의나 청문 등의 모든 사본 또는 기록, 연방관보에 게재된
모든 공고의 사본
Similarly, 19CFR 351.104(a) defines the record as:
...all factual information, written argument, or other material developed by,
presented to, or other material obtained by the Secretary during the course of the
proceeding that pertains to the proceeding, government memoranda pertaining to
the proceedings, memoranda of ex parte meetings, determinations, notices
published in the Federal Register, and transcripts of hearings....
Sections V and VI of this chapter list documents that are usually part of the record.
또한, 19CFR 351.104(a)는 행정기록을 아래와 같이 규정하고 있다.
…절차진행중 장관에게 제출된 또는 장관에 의해 밝혀졌거나 얻어진
모든 사실정보/서면주장/기타 자료, 진행절차에 관련된 정부 메모, 일방
당사자 회의 메모, 판정, 연방관보에 게재된 공고, 청문 등본 ……
본 장의 제5절과 제6절은 일반적으로 행정기록의 일부분이 되는 문서
목록을 싣고 있다.
C. Government Memoranda Pertaining to the Case
C. 사건에 관련된 정부 메모
2. Does the document pertain to the case?
2. 문서가 그 사건과 관련되는가?
A memorandum pertains to a case if it is prepared in the context of that case
and addresses or is relevant to the specific facts or issues in that case.
메모가 사건이나 청원을 배경으로 작성되었거나 해당사건내의 특정
사실이나 문제와 관계가 있으면 해당사건에 속한다.
C. Identifying Parties' Business Proprietary Information
C. 이해관계인의 영업비밀정보 확인
The identification in submissions of business proprietary information from multiple
persons is covered in 19 CFR 351.306(c). The DOC requires that APO applicants request
access to all business proprietary information submitted in a particular segment of a
proceeding. In addition, in the case of submissions, such as briefs, that include business
proprietary information of different parties, the submission must identify each piece of
business proprietary information included and the party to which the information pertains.
(For example, Information Item #1 came from Respondent A, Information Item #2 came
from Respondent B, etc.) The purpose of this proposal is to enable parties to submit a
single APO version of a submission that may be served on all parties represented by
authorized applicants instead of forcing parties to submit and serve different APO
versions for each of the parties involved i이다.
허가된 신청자가 대리하지 않는(비교적 드문 경우) 이해관계자를 위하여
제출되는 경우에는 해당 이해당사자만의 영업비밀정보만이 포함되도록 별도
로 준비하여 제출해야 한다. 제출시에 괄호표시로 되어 있는 영업비밀정보는
다른 이해당사자의 영법비밀정보라고 달리 명시되지 않는 한 문서를 제출한
이해당사자의 영업비밀정보로 간주된다.
제16조 (결과의 회신) ①외국으로부터의 촉탁이 송달촉탁의 경우에는
수탁법원의장이 송달결과에 관한 증명서를, 증거조사촉탁의 경우에는 수탁판사가
증인신문조서기타 증거조사의 결과를 기재한 조서 또는 증거조사가 불능하게 된
사유를 기재한서면을 각각 외국법원에 송부하여야 한다. 다만, 외국법원이
특정방식에 의한 회신을 요청하는 경우 그 방식이 대한민국의 법률에 저촉되지
아니하는 때에는 그 방식에의한다.
Article 16 (Reply on Result)
(1) If an entrustment made by a foreign country is one pertaining to
service, the head of the court which has accepted the entrustment, shall
send to the foreign court a certificate on the result of the service, and
if it concerns an entrustment pertaining to an examination on evidence, the
judge who has accepted the entrustment shall send to the foreign court, a
protocol specifying the inquiry of witness or the result of other
examinations on evidence, or a certificate specifying the reason why the
examination on evidence was impossible, respectively: Provided, That in a
case where the foreign court requests a reply made in a specified way, if
the way is not contrary to any law of the Republic of Korea, it shall be
made in such a way.
②제6조의 규정은 제1항의 규정에 의하여 서류를 송부하는 경우에 이를
(2) The provisions of Article 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a case
where the documents are sent under paragraph (1).
⑥학교교육 및 평생교육을 포함한 교육제도와 그 운영, 교육재정 및 교원의 지위에 관한 기본적인 사항은 법률로 정한다.
(6) Fundamental matters pertaining to the educational system, including in-school and lifelong education, administration, finance, and status of teachers shall be determined by Act.
제41조 ①국회는 국민의 보통·평등·직접·비밀선거에 의하여 선출된 국회의원으로 구성한다.
Article 41
(1) The National Assembly shall be composed of members elected by universal, equal, direct and secret ballot by the citizens.
②국회의원의 수는 법률로 정하되, 200인이상으로 한다.
(2) Number of members of the National Assembly shall be determined by Act, but the number shall not be less than 200.
③국회의원의 선거구와 비례대표제 기타 선거에 관한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
(3) Constituencies of members of the National Assembly, proportional representation and other matters pertaining to National Assembly elections shall be determined by Act.
제60조 ①국회는 상호원조 또는 안전보장에 관한 조약, 중요한 국제조직에 관한 조약, 우호통상항해조약, 주권의 제약에 관한 조약, 강화조약, 국가나 국민에게 중대한 재정적 부담을 지우는 조약 또는 입법사항에 관한 조약의 체결·비준에 대한 동의권을 가진다.
Article 60
(1) The National Assembly shall have the right to consent to conclusion and ratification of treaties pertaining to mutual assistance or mutual security; treaties concerning important international organizations; treaties of friendship, trade and navigation; treaties pertaining to any restriction in sovereignty; peace treaties; treaties which will incur grave financial burden on the State or people; or treaties related to legislative matters.
제67조 ①대통령은 국민의 보통·평등·직접·비밀선거에 의하여 선출한다.
Article 67
(1) The President shall be elected by universal, equal, direct and secret ballot by the people.
②제1항의 선거에 있어서 최고득표자가 2인이상인 때에는 국회의 재적의원 과반수가 출석한 공개회의에서 다수표를 얻은 자를 당선자로 한다.
(2) In case two or more persons receive the same greatest number of votes in the election as referred to in paragraph (1), the person who receives the greatest number of votes in an open session of the National Assembly attended by a majority of the total members of the National Assembly shall be elected.
③대통령후보자가 1인일 때에는 그 득표수가 선거권자 총수의 3분의 1이상이 아니면 대통령으로 당선될 수 없다.
(3) If and when there is only one presidential candidate, he/she shall not be elected President unless he/she receives at least one third votes of the total number of the electorate.
④대통령으로 선거될 수 있는 자는 국회의원의 피선거권이 있고 선거일 현재 40세에 달하여야 한다.
(4) Citizens who are eligible for election to the National Assembly, and who have attained to the age of forty years or more on the date of the presidential election, shall be eligible to be elected to the presidency.
⑤대통령의 선거에 관한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
(5) Matters pertaining to presidential elections shall be determined by Act.
제79조 ①대통령은 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 사면·감형 또는 복권을 명할 수 있다.
Article 79
(1) The President may grant amnesty, commutation and restoration of rights under the conditions as prescribed by Act.
②일반사면을 명하려면 국회의 동의를 얻어야 한다.
(2) No general amnesty shall be granted without the consent of the National Assembly.
③사면·감형 및 복권에 관한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
(3) Matters pertaining to amnesty, commutation and restoration of rights shall be determined by Act.
제85조 전직대통령의 신분과 예우에 관하여는 법률로 정한다.
Article 85
Matters pertaining to the status and courteous treatment of former Presidents shall be determined by Act.
제89조 다음 사항은 국무회의의 심의를 거쳐야 한다.
Article 89
The following matters shall be referred to the State Council for deliberation:
1. 국정의 기본계획과 정부의 일반정책
1. Basic plans for state affairs, and general policies of the Executive;
2. 선전·강화 기타 중요한 대외정책
2. Declaration of war, conclusion of peace and other important matters pertaining to foreign policy;
3. 헌법개정안·국민투표안·조약안·법률안 및 대통령령안
3. Draft amendments to the Constitution, proposals for national referenda, proposed treaties, legislative bills, and proposed presidential decrees;
4. 예산안·결산·국유재산처분의 기본계획·국가의 부담이 될 계약 기타 재정에 관한 중요사항
4. Budgets, settlement of accounts, basic plans for disposal of state properties, contracts incurring financial burden on the State, and other important financial matters;
5. 대통령의 긴급명령·긴급재정경제처분 및 명령 또는 계엄과 그 해제
5. Emergency orders and emergency financial and economic actions or orders by the President, and declaration and termination of martial law;
6. 군사에 관한 중요사항
6. Important military affairs;
7. 국회의 임시회 집회의 요구
7. Requests for convening an extraordinary session of the National Assembly;
8. 영전수여
8. Awarding of honors;
9. 사면·감형과 복권
9. Granting of amnesty, commutation and restoration of rights;
10. 행정각부간의 권한의 획정
10. Demarcation of jurisdiction among the Ministries of the Executive;
11. 정부안의 권한의 위임 또는 배정에 관한 기본계획
11. Basic plans concerning delegation or allocation of powers within the Executive;
12. 국정처리상황의 평가·분석
12. Evaluation and analysis of the administration of state affairs;
13. 행정각부의 중요한 정책의 수립과 조정
13. Formulation and coordination of important policies of each Executive Ministry;
14. 정당해산의 제소
14. Action for the dissolution of a political party;
15. 정부에 제출 또는 회부된 정부의 정책에 관계되는 청원의 심사
15. Examination of petitions pertaining to executive policies submitted or referred to the Executive;
16. 검찰총장·합동참모의장·각군참모총장·국 립대학교총장·대사 기타 법률이 정한 공무원과 국영기업체관리자의 임명
16. Appointment of the Prosecutor General, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Chief of Staff of each armed service, the presidents of national universities, ambassadors, and such other public officials and managers of important state-run enterprises as designated by Act; and
17. 기타 대통령·국무총리 또는 국무위원이 제출한 사항
17. Other matters presented by the President, the Prime Minister or a member of the State Council.
제90조 ①국정의 중요한 사항에 관한 대통령의 자문에 응하기 위하여 국가원로로 구성되는 국가원로자문회의를 둘 수 있다.
Article 90
(1) An Advisory Council of Elder Statesmen, composed of elder statesmen, may be established to advise the President on important affairs of state.
②국가원로자문회의의 의장은 직전대통령이 된다. 다만, 직전대통령이 없을 때에는 대통령이 지명한다.
(2) The immediate former President shall become the Chairman of the Advisory Council of Elder Statesmen: Provided, That if there is no immediate former President, the President shall appoint the Chairman.
③국가원로자문회의의 조직·직무범위 기타 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
(3) The organization, function and other necessary matters pertaining to the Advisory Council of Elder Statesmen shall be determined by Act.
제91조 ①국가안전보장에 관련되는 대외정책·군사정책과 국내정책의 수립에 관하여 국무회의의 심의에 앞서 대통령의 자문에 응하기 위하여 국가안전보장회의를 둔다.
Article 91
(1) A National Security Council shall be established to advise the President on formulation of foreign, military and domestic policies related to national security prior to their deliberation by the State Council.
②국가안전보장회의는 대통령이 주재한다.
(2) The meetings of the National Security Council shall be presided over by the President.
③국가안전보장회의의 조직·직무범위 기타 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
(3) The organization, function and other necessary matters pertaining to the National Security Council shall be determined by Act.
제92조 ①평화통일정책의 수립에 관한 대통령의 자문에 응하기 위하여 민주평화통일자문회의를 둘 수 있다.
Article 92
(1) An Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification may be established to advise the President on formulation of peaceful unification policy.
②민주평화통일자문회의의 조직·직무범위 기타 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
(2) The organization, function and other necessary matters pertaining to the Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification shall be determined by Act.
제93조 ①국민경제의 발전을 위한 중요정책의 수립에 관하여 대통령의 자문에 응하기 위하여 국민경제자문회의를 둘 수 있다.
Article 93
(1) A National Economic Advisory Council may be established to advise the President on formulation of important policies for developing the national economy.
②국민경제자문회의의 조직·직무범위 기타 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
(2) The organization, function and other necessary matters pertaining to the National Economic Advisory Council shall be determined by Act.
제108조 대법원은 법률에서 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 소송에 관한 절차, 법원의 내부규율과 사무처리에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다.
Article 108
The Supreme Court may establish, within the scope of Act, regulations pertaining to judicial proceedings and internal discipline and regulations on administrative matters of the court.
제115조 ①각급 선거관리위원회는 선거인명부의 작성등 선거사무와 국민투표사무에 관하여 관계 행정기관에 필요한 지시를 할 수 있다.
Article 115
(1) Election Commissions at each level may issue necessary instructions to administrative agencies concerned with respect to administrative affairs pertaining to elections and national referenda such as the preparation of the pollbooks.
②제1항의 지시를 받은 당해 행정기관은 이에 응하여야 한다.
(2) Administrative agencies concerned, upon receipt of such instructions, shall comply.
제8장 지방자치
제117조 ①지방자치단체는 주민의 복리에 관한 사무를 처리하고 재산을 관리하며, 법령의 범위안에서 자치에 관한 규정을 제정할 수 있다.
Article 117
(1) Local governments shall deal with administrative matters pertaining to the welfare of local residents, manage properties, and may enact provisions relating to local autonomy, within the limit of laws and regulations.
②지방자치단체의 종류는 법률로 정한다.
(2) The types of local governments shall be determined by Act.
제118조 ①지방자치단체에 의회를 둔다.
Article 118
(1) The local government shall have a council.
②지방의회의 조직·권한·의원선거와 지방자치단체의 장의 선임방법 기타 지방자치단체의 조직과 운영에 관한 사항은 법률로 정한다.
(2) The organization and powers of local councils, and the election of their members; election procedures for heads of local governments; and other matters pertaining to the organization and operation of local governments shall be determined by Act.
pietist:a man who is pertaining pietistic
Street newspapers (or street papers) are newspapers or magazines sold
by homeless or poor individuals and produced mainly to support these
길거리 신문(거리 신문)은 노숙자 또는 빈곤층이 판매하는 신문이나 잡지로,
주로 이들을 지원하기 위해 제작됩니다.
Most such newspapers primarily provide coverage about homelessness and
poverty-related issues, and seek to strengthen social networks within
homeless communities.
이러한 신문은 대부분 노숙자 및 빈곤 관련 문제를 주로 다루며, 노숙자 커뮤니티
내에서 사회적 네트워크를 강화하기 위해 노력합니다.
Street papers aim to give these individuals both employment opportunities
and a voice in their community.
길거리 신문은 이런 사람들에게 취업 기회와 지역사회에서 목소리를 낼 수
있는 기회를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Street newspapers are sold mainly by homeless individuals, but the newspapers
vary in how much content is submitted by them and how much of the coverage
pertains to them.
거리 신문은 주로 노숙인이 판매하지만, 노숙인이 제출하는 콘텐츠의 양과
노숙인과 관련된 기사의 비중이 신문마다 다릅니다.
One popular street newspaper, The Big Issue, has been a focus of this controversy
because it concentrates on attracting a large readership through coverage of
mainstream issues and popular culture, whereas other newspapers emphasize
homeless advocacy and social issues and earn less of a profit.
유명한 길거리 신문인 빅이슈(The Big Issue)는 주류 이슈와 대중문화 보도를 통해
많은 독자층을 확보하는 데 집중하여, 다른 신문이 노숙자 옹호 및 사회 문제를
강조하고 수익이 적은 상황과 대비되면서 이러한 논란의 중심이 되어 왔습니다.
검색결과는 167 건이고 총 526 라인의 자료가 출력되었습니다. 맨위로
(화면 어디서나 Alt+Z : 단어 재입력.)
(내용 중 검색하고 싶은 단어가 있으면 그 단어를 더블클릭하세요.)