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party pooper(poop) 모임의 흥을 깨는 사람

poop 〔pu:p〕 피로하게 하다

poop 〔pu:p〕 고물(의 상갑판)-(파도가)고물을 치다

poop 〔pu:p〕 하찮은 자, 바보

여행을 다녀와서 뻗어 버렸어요.
-I was pooped when I came back from the trip.
-I was beat after the trip.
-I was dead-tired after the trip.

대변을 보다의 표현들
- I've got to go number two.
- I have to go take a dump.
- I have to go and pooh.
→ pooh는 (찌꺼기 등을) 제거하다의 뜻.
- I have to go potty.
→ potty는 (아기용) 변기(= I have to go poop.)
- I have a bowel movement.
→ bowel movement는 변통, 배변의 뜻으로 간단히 I have a b.m.이라고 사용하기도 함.
- I gotta go crap.
→ (= I have to go defecate.)

여행을 다녀와서 뻗어 버렸어요.
I was pooped when I came back from the trip.
poop : 피곤케하다, 기진맥진케 하다

지친: all in, burn out, burn the csndle at the both ends, conk out, dead
one's feet, dead tired, played out, pooped out, run ragged, shoulders, world
on one's shoulders, world on one's back, take the starch out of, use up,
weight of the world on one's

These long flights always leave you pooped for a while.
이렇게 오래 비행기를 타면 한동안은 녹초가 되기 마련이지요.

I am so pooped.
I am so tired.
I am so exhausted.
Don't flatter me!
(비행기 태우지 마세요.)

기진 맥진이예요.
I'm pooped.

[百d] 포오포 호 [ ─ 湖, Lago Poopó ]

poop 선미루 갑판

Mr. Sterman, let's see about getting you out of here today.
스터먼씨, 퇴원하실 수 있는지 한 번 볼까요?
How are you feeling?
Pretty okay, except I don't think I ever want to have a bowel obstruction again.
꽤 괜찮아요. 장폐쇄를 다신 원치 않는다는 걸 제외한다면요
We get people in here all the time requesting one.
저흰 여기 와서 해 달라는 사람들을 항상 보거든요
So, you keeping down clear fluids?
clear fluids를 참으셨나요?
And my all-time favorite question -- have you pooped yet?
그리고 제가 제일 좋아하는 질문! 변 보셨어요?
I'm not exactly sure.
잘 모르겠어요
I think you'd probably know.
제 생각엔 아실 것 같은데
Passed gas?
가스 배출은요?
Really yes? Because if I bring in my handy lie detector...
정말이요? 왜냐면 제가 휴대용 거짓말 탐색기를 가지고 오면..
Okay, no.
알았어요, 안했어요
And I shouldn't try and lie. I know.
거짓말 하지 말아야 한다는 거 알아요

Izzie! I did it! I pooped!
이지! 해냈어요. 변 봤어요!
All right!

팩트 시트(fact sheet, poop sheet)

-기저귀 갈면서
It's time to change your diaper./기저귀 갈 시간이다.
Let's change your diaper./기저귀 갈자.
Let's see if your diaper is wet. /기저귀 젖었나 보자.
Oh, you pooped./어머, 응가 했네.

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