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rub out

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성가신: in one's hair, nose out of, on one's back, pain in the ass, pain in
the neck, pick at, pick on, put out, rub the wrong way , shake up, thorn in
the flesh, thorn in one's side

제거: clean out, dispose of, kick out, boot out, kill off, lay to rest, make
away with, rub out, smooth away(감정), strike out, take up(흡수), tear
up(표면), weed out, wipe out

A barber got converted one Sunday, so he thought it his duty to speak to
all who came into his shop in future about religion.
Now, the barber was a very fluent speaker on most topics, but when it
came to religion he hardly knew how to begin.
One morning a Mr. Jones came to be shaved. The barber began to shave him.
All at once he said: "Mr. Jones." Mr. Jones looked up, and was so
startled that he got the brush in his mouth.
"Mr. Jones," repeated the barber; but still he could get no further with
his speech.
The barber then walked up to the strap which was hung on the wall, and
began to rub the razor backward and forwards on it.
"Mr. Jones," said he. "Mr. Jones, are you prepared to die?"
It is said that Mr. Jones jumped out of the window.
어느 일요일에 신앙생활을 시작한 이발사는 앞으로 이발소에 오는 모든
고객에게 종교에 관해 이야기하는 것이 자신의 의무라고 생각했다.
그런데 평소 모든 주제에 관해 아주 유창하게 말을 잘하던 그가 종교에
관해서는 어떻게 시작해야 할 지 몰랐다.
어느 날 아침 죤스씨가 면도하러왔다. 이발사는 면도를 시작하다가 갑자기
말했다. "죤스씨." 위를 바라본 죤스씨는 너무 놀래서 면도솔을 입에 물었다.
"죤스씨," 이발사는 다시 그의 이름을 불렀으나 더 이상 말을 계속하지
못했다. 이발사는 가죽띠가 걸려있는 벽 쪽으로 가서 면도칼을 갈기 시작했다.
"죤스씨," 이발사가 말했다. "죤스씨, 당신은 죽을 준비가 되어 있습니까?"
죤스씨는 창 밖으로 뛰어나갔다고 한다.

I'm gonna turn it down. You don't have to leave.
전 거절할 거예요 안 떠나셔도 돼요
Are you trying to rub this in or something?
소금까지 뿌려야 직성이 풀리겠어?
Please believe me. You should be in the White House.
믿어줘요 선배가 백악관에 있어야 해요
I don't want it. I never did.
전 싫어요, 그 자리 원한 적도 없어요
I was hoping we could go see Tom together.
함께 톰을 만나러 가요
- I want him to know that we both...
- 우리 둘 모두...
- Get the fuck out of my face.
- 염병, 꺼지라니까
I'm asking. For real. I don't want the job.
부탁하는 거예요, 정말로 그 자리 생각 없어요

rub-out character : 삭제 문자

rub sleep out of one's eyes 눈을 비벼 졸음을 없애다

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