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edging shears 잔디 가위
grass shears 풀 깎는 큰 가위
hoisting shears 합장 기중기
pruning shears 전정가위
shearing 〔∫´i∂riŋ〕 양털 깎기, 전단의 가공
shear 〔∫i∂r〕 베다, 빼앗다, 큰 가위, 박탈하다, 변형, 전단, (양털의)깎는 회수, (양의)나이
shore shear의 과거
shorn shear의 과거분사
wind shear 하강기류
fleece 양털 (wool coat of a sheep)
They shear sheep of their fleece, whcih they then comb into separate strands of
[위키] 전단 탄성 계수 Shear modulus
[百] 전단 (剪斷) shear
[百] 층밀리기 탄성율 shear modulus
[百] 전단가공 (剪斷加工) shearing
[百] 시어스 Benjamin Henry Sheares
[百] 조지 셰어링 George Shearing
[百d] 전단응력 [ 剪斷應力, shear stress ]
[百d] 전단파 [ 剪斷波, shear wave ]
[百d] 윈드 시어 [ wind shear ]
shear 를 큰 가위로 깎다
shearing 양의털깎기,깎아낸양털
In the countryside farmers therefore relieved the burden of the daily
routine with such double-purpose relaxations as hunting, fishing, and
trapping. When a neighbor needed help, families rallied from miles
around to assist in building a house or barn, husking corn, shearing
sheep, or chopping wood. Food, drink, and celebration after the group
work provided relaxation and soothed weary muscles.
그러므로 시골에서 농부들은 사냥, 낚시, 포획 등과 같은 다목적 오락으로
일상생활의 짐을 덜었다. 이웃사람이 도움을 필요로 할 때 여러 가족들이
수마일 떨어진 곳으로부터 모여들어서, 집이나 헛간을 짓는 일, 옥수수의
껍질을 까는 일, 양털을 깎는 일, 나무를 자르는 일 등등을 도와주었다. 단체
작업 후의 음식과 축하파티가 휴식을 제공하고 피로한 근육을 풀어주었다.
magnetic shear 자기 층밀리기,자기 켜밀림
shear 층밀리기,가위질
shear dilatancy 층밀리기 늘기,가위질 늘기
shear modulus 층밀리기 탄성률,층밀리기 튐성률
shear strain 층밀리기 변형
shear strength 층밀리기 세기
shear stress 층밀리기 변형력,층밀리기 응력
shear structure 층밀리기 구조
shear thickening effect 층밀림 두꺼워지기 효과
shear thinning effect 층밀림 얇아지기 효과
shearing 층밀리기,가위질
shearing force 층밀리기힘
shearing modulus 층밀리기 탄성률,층밀리기 튐성률
shearing strain 층밀리기 변형
shearing stress 층밀리기 변형력,층밀리기 응력
allowable shearing stress : 허용 전단 응력
line of shearing stress : 전단응력선
maximum shear stress : 최대전단응력
rate-of-shear field : 전단 속도장
shear : 전단
shear rate : 전단 속도
shear strength : 전단 강도
shear stress : 전단 응력
shear structure : 엇갈림 구조, 전단 구조
shear-bar mixer : 전단 봉 혼합기
shearing : 엇밀기, 가위질, 전단
shearing force : 전단력
shearing modulus : 횡탄성 계수
shearing strain : 전단 변형
shearing stress : 전단 응력
simple shear : 단순 전단
viscous shear : 점성 전단
wall shear : 벽 전달
수공구에 해당하는 것 중 가래ㆍ삽ㆍ곡괭이ㆍ픽스(picks)ㆍ괭이ㆍ포크와 쇠스랑, 도끼ㆍ빌훅(bill hook)과 이와 유사한 절단용 공구, 각종 전지가위, 낫ㆍ초절기(草切機)ㆍ울타리 전단기(剪斷機)ㆍ제재(製材)용 쐐기와 그 밖의 농업용ㆍ원예용ㆍ임업용 공구
Hand tools, the following : spades, shovels, mattocks, picks, hoes, forks and rakes; axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools; secateurs and pruners of any kind; scythes, sickles, hay knives, hedge shears, timber wedges and other tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry.
전지가위와 이와 유사한 한손용 전지가위[가금(家禽)용 가위를 포함한다]
Secateurs and similar one-handed pruners and shears (including poultry shears)
울타리 전단기(剪斷機)ㆍ양손용 전지가위와 이와 유사한 양손용 전지가위
Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears
줄ㆍ플라이어(plier)[절단용 플라이어(plier)를 포함한다]ㆍ집게ㆍ핀셋ㆍ금속 절단용 가위ㆍ파이프커터(pipe-cutter)ㆍ볼트크로퍼(bolt cropper)ㆍ천공펀치와 이와 유사한 수공구
Files, rasps, pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers, metal cutting shears, pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar hand tools.
금속 절단용 가위와 이와 유사한 공구
Metal cutting shears and similar tools
가위, 재단용 가위와 이와 유사한 가위, 이들의 날
Scissors, tailors' shears and similar shears, and blades therefor.
단조(鍛造)용ㆍ해머링(hammering)용ㆍ형(型)단조용(압연기는 제외한다) 금속가공 공작기계(프레스를 포함한다), 굽힘용ㆍ접음용ㆍ교정용ㆍ펼침용ㆍ전단용ㆍ펀칭용ㆍ낫칭(notching)용ㆍ니블링(nibbling)용[드로우벤치(draw-benches)를 제외한다] 금속가공 공작기계[프레스ㆍ슬리팅(slitting) 설비ㆍ일정한 길이로 절단하는 설비(cut-to-length line)를 포함한다]와 그 외의 가공방법에 의한 금속이나 금속탄화물 가공용 프레스
Machine-tools (including presses) for working metal by forging, hammering or die forging (excluding rolling mills); machine-tools (including presses, slitting lines and cut-to-length lines) for working metal by bending, folding, straightening, flattening, shearing, punching, notching or nibbling (excluding draw-benches); presses for working metal or metal carbides, not specified above.
평판제품용 슬리팅(slitting) 설비ㆍ일정한 길이로 절단하는 설비(cut-to-length line)ㆍ그 밖의 전단기(프레스를 제외하며, 펀칭기와 전단기가 결합된 것을 제외한다)
Slitting lines, cut-to-length lines and other shearing machines (excluding presses) for flat products, other than combined punching and shearing machines :
수치제어식 전단기
Numerically controlled shearing machines
평판제품용 펀칭기ㆍ낫칭기(notching machine)ㆍ니블링기(nibbling machine)(프레스를 제외하며, 펀칭기와 전단기가 결합된 것을 포함한다)
Punching, notching or nibbling machines (excluding presses) for flat products including combined punching and shearing machines :
인쇄회로기판, 반도체 디바이스 및 전자집적회로의 볼이나 와이어의 접착력ㆍ전단력 측정을 위한 기기
Machines and appliances for testing adhesive strength or shear force of ball or wire of printed circuits board, semiconductor device and electronic integrated circuit
절삭장비 Cutting equipment
연속채굴장비 Continuous mining equipment
롱월쉬어 Longwall shears
콜커터 Coal cutters
록커터 Rock cutters
전단절리 Shear joints
슬리브시프팅툴 Sleeve shifting tools
슬라이드슬리브관 Sliding sleeves
벨로시티스트링 Velocity strings
축산용기기 Poultry and livestock equipment
착유기 Milking machines
가축사육장비 Animal husbandry equipment
가금보육기 또는 부란기 Incubators or brooders for poultry
사료배합기 Feed mixers
가축식별기 Livestock identification equipment
조란선별기 Egg inspection or collecting equipment
축산용급수기 Animal watering machines
우유냉장탱크 Milk cooling tanks
전모기(剪毛機) Animal shearing or clipping equipment
보디스키드 Body skids
타이어마운팅인플레이팅 Tire mounting inflating
굴로틴쉬어 Gullotine Shears
글래스인서션픽업어플리케이션 Glass insertion pick up PU application
절연레이지암 Articulating lazy arms
자동섀시데킹 Automatic chassis decking
연성부품 Flexible componets
각종어셈블리기계 Miscellaneous assembly machines
단조기 Forging machines
단조 전단 프레스 Forge shear press
형 및 폐쇄 단조 프레스 Impression and closed die forging press
자유단조프레스 Open die forging press
레이디얼 단조기 Radial forging machines
롤 단조기 Roll forging machines
로터리버 Rotary burrs
트림 프레스 Trim press
절단,크림핑및천공공구 Cutting and crimping and punching tools
칼날 Knife blades
면도칼 Razor knives
다용도칼 Utility knives
포켓용칼 Pocket knives
천공기,못조리개 또는 드리프트핀 Punches or nail sets or drifts
금속절단용가위 Shears
금속절단기 Metal cutters
톱 Saws
나사송곳 Augers
농업, 임업 및 조경용 공구 Agriculture, forestry and garden handtools
마체테 Machetes
가래 Spades
갈퀴 Rakes
삽 Shovels
도끼 Axes
제초용낫 Scythes
전지가위또는전정가위 Secateurs or pruning shears
괭이 Hoes
스크레이퍼 Scrapers
낫 Sickle
에어레이터 Lawn aerator
테두리 전단기 Border shear
경운기 Hand cultivator
소형 조경 공구 세트 Miniature garden tool set
호미 Short handled hoe
손잡이 쐐기 Handle wedge
정원용 빗자루 Garden broom
목재 박피기 Tree debarker
정원용 물뿌리개 Garden watering can
토크도구 Torque tools
비스킷접속공 Biscuit jointers
베벨링 공구 Beveling tool
전동 가위 Power shears
전동 니블러 Power nibbler
전동 리베터 Power riveter
전동 봉 절단기 Power rod cutter
본타일 건 Mortar gun
전동 플레어링 공구 Power flaring tool
튜브 압착기 Tube crimper
유압식 공구 Hydraulic tools
맨홀 뚜껑 개폐기 Manhole cover lifters
유압식 완충장치 Hydraulic accumulators
유압식 클램프 Hydraulic clamp
유압식 전단기 Hydraulic shears
유압식 추출기 Hydraulic extractor
유압식 파이프 밴더 Hydraulic pipe bender
유압식 풀러 Hydraulic puller
유압식 체인 절단기 Hydraulic chain cutter
공압식 봉 절단기 Pneumatic rod cutter
공압식 리베터 Pneumatic riveter
공압식 소형 연마기 Miniature pneumatic sander
공압식 래머 Pneumatic rammer
공압식 카운터싱크 Pneumatic countersink
공압식 전단기 Pneumatic shears
공압식 프레스 Pneumatic press
공압식 공구 세트 Pneumatic tool set
육각볼트 Hexagonal bolts
엘리베이터볼트 Elevator bolts
전단 볼트 Shear bolt
사각너트 Square nuts
용접 너트 Weld nuts
반달너트 Half moon nut
티-너트 T nut or T slot nut
홈붙이 둥근 너트 Slotted round nut
케이지 너트 Cage nut
장식 너트캡 Decorative nut cap
전단 너트 Shear nut
리테이닝칼라 Retaining collars
리테이닝클립 Retaining clips
나사붙이핀 Threaded pins
피벗 핀 Pivot pins
쉬어핀 Shear pins
긴홈핀 Grooved pins
케이블 행거 Cable hanger
신속 교체용 축 부싱 Quick disconnect shaft hub locking bushing
베어링 어댑터 슬리브 Bearing adapter sleeve
원통형 핀 Cylindrical pin
급수펌프 Water pumps
우물용펌프 Well pumps
집수정펌프 Sump pumps
수중펌프 Submersible pumps
증기펌프 Steam pumps
솔레노이드펌프 Solenoid pumps
전단펌프 Shear pumps
오수용펌프 Sewage pumps
무봉인펌프 Sealless pumps
위생용펌프 Sanitary pumps
주물검사기 Foundry testing apparatus
경도계 Hardness testers
충격식검사기 Impact testers
적재대 Load frame
금속검사기 Metal testing instruments
편광탄성검사기 Photoelastic testing instruments
내압성검사기 Proofstress indicators
이완성검사기 Relaxation testers
표면거칠기측정장치 Roughness measuring instruments
전단력검사기 Shear strength testers
수술용 플레인 Surgical planes
수술용 줄 Surgical rasps
수술용 골겸자 Surgical ronguers
수술용 메스,나이프, 블레이드,트레핀 또는 액세서리 Surgical scalpels or knives or blades or trephines or accessories
수술용 가위 Surgical scissors
수술용 쉬어 Surgical shears
수술용 교단기 또는 교단기 와이어 Surgical snares or snare wires
수술용 박리기 Surgical spuds
수술용 절취기 Surgical tomes
shear 전단응력, 층밀림변환
과수화상병은 전정가위나 톱 등으로도 감염될 수 있기 때문에 과원을 출입할 때마다 작업 도구를 철저히 소독해야 한다.
Fire blight can be infected with pruning shears or saws, so work tools must be thoroughly disinfected whenever entering or leaving the orchard.
shear tensile strength test (전단인장강도시험)
Shearing cusp (전단 교두)
shearing effect (전단 효과)
viscosity (점성, 점도) a physical property of fluids that determines the internal resistance
to shear forces.
[航]hi-shear rivet 고전단 리벳
[航]shear 전단(剪斷)
[航]shear buckling 전단좌굴
[航]shear center 전단중심
[航]shear flow 전단흐름
[航]shear force 전단력
[航]shear stress 전단응력
[航]wind shear 윈드쉬어, 역전풍
유공강판 전단연결재의 성능개선에 관한 연구
A Study on the Performance Enhencement of Perfobond Shear Connectors
자동차용강판/알루미늄합금의 저항 용접부에 대한 인장전단강도 특성
Tensile shear strength Characteristics on Resistance Spot Weld of Automobile Steel Plate/Aluminum Alloy
파인 블랭킹 공정에서 전단면에 영향을 미치는 요소에 관한 연구
A study on the effect of factor in the fine blanking process for sheared surface
경량콘크리트를 사용한 철선일체형 바닥구조의 휨내력 및 전단내력 평가
An Evaluation of Bending and Shear Resisting Force for Steel Wire-Integrated Deck Plate System using Lightweight Concrete
절취사면 안정해석시 전단강도정수 적용에 관한 연구
A Study on the Application Method of Shear Strength Parameters for the Cut-Slope stability analysis
전단각도 변화에 따른 보강토체의 전단거동특성
Shear Behavior of Reinforced Soil depending on the shear Angle
휨 모멘트와 전단력을 받는 Steel plate-concrete composit wall의 거동
Behavior of Steel plate-concrete composit wall under shear and bending moment
점성토의 비배수 전단거동에 과압밀비와 구속압이 미치는 영향
Effects of Confining Stress and OCR on Undrained Shear Behavior of Clay
불균형모멘트와 펀칭전단의 상호작용을 고려한 무량판 접합부의 성능평가
Evaluation of Lateral Capacity of Flat Plate Connections Considering the Interaction of Unbalanced Moment-Punching Shear
표면처리 방법에 따른 티타늄과 레진과의 전단 결합 강도 비교
Shear bond strength of composite resin to titanium according to various surface treatments
자연 친화형 조립식 수로관 연결부의 마찰계수 측정 및 전단강도 평가
Evaluation Shear Strength and Test of Friction Coefficient on the Connection of Eco-Friendly Assembled Channel
현장타설 박스암거 신축이음부 전단강도 개선을 위한 연구
Study for Improvement on the shear strength of the Box Culvert Expansion Joint
P.C 박스암거 접합부 전단강도에 관한 연구
Study for the Shear Strength of the P.C BOX Culvert Joint
ome - came - come
cost - cost - cost
creep - crept - crept
cut - cut - cut
deal - dealt - dealt
dig - dug - dug
dive (scuba diving) - dived - dived
dive (jump head-first) - dove - dived
do - did - done
draw - drew - drawn
dream - dreamt/dreamed - dreamt/dreamed
drink - drank - drunk
drive - drove - driven
dwell - dwelt/dwelled - dwelt/dwelled
eat - ate - eaten
fall - fell - fallen
feed - fed - fed
feel - felt - felt
fight - fought - fought
find - found - found
fit (to be right size) - fit - fit
fit (to tailor, change size) - fit/fitted - fit/fitted
flee - fled - fled
fling - flung - flung
fly - flew - flown
forbid - forbade - forbidden
forecast - forecast - forecast
forego (also forgo) - forewent - foregone
foresee - foresaw - foreseen
foretell - foretold - foretold
forget - forgot - forgotten
forgive - forgave - forgiven
forsake - forsook - forsaken
freeze - froze - frozen
get - got - gotten/got
give - gave - given
go - went - gone
grind - ground - ground
grow - grew - grown
hang - hung - hung
have - had - had
hear - heard - heard
hide - hid - hidden
hit - hit - hit
hold - held - held
hurt - hurt - hurt
input - input - input
inset - inset - inset
interbreed - interbred - interbred
interweave - interwove - interwoven
keep - kept - kept
kneel - knelt/kneeled - knelt/kneeled
knit - knit/knitted - knit/knitted
know - knew - known
lay - laid - laid
lead - led - led
lean - leaned/leant - leaned/leant
leap - leapt/leaped - leapt/leaped
learn - learned/learnt - learned/learnt
leave - left - left
lend - lent - lent
let - let - let
lie - lay - lain
light - lit/lighted - lit/lighted
lose - lost - lost
make - made - made
mean - meant - meant
meet - met - met
mishear - misheard - misheard
mislay - mislaid - mislaid
mislead - misled - misled
misread - misread - misread
misspell - misspelled/misspelt - misspelled/misspelt
mistake - mistook - mistaken
misunderstand - misunderstood - misunderstood
mow - mowed - mowed/mown
outbid - outbid - outbid
outdo - outdid - outdone
outgrow - outgrew - outgrown
outrun - outran - outrun
outsell - outsold - outsold
overcast - overcast - overcast
overcome - overcame - overcome
overdo - overdid - overdone
overdraw - overdrew - overdrawn
overeat - overate - overeaten
overhang - overhung - overhung
overhear - overheard - overheard
overlay - overlaid - overlaid
overlie - overlay - overlain
overpay - overpaid - overpaid
override - overrode - overridden
overrun - overran - overrun
oversee - oversaw - overseen
oversell - oversold - oversold
overshoot - overshot - overshot
oversleep - overslept - overslept
overtake - overtook - overtaken
overthrow - overthrew - overthrown
partake - partook - partaken
pay - paid - paid
plead - pled/pleaded - pled/pleaded
pre-set - pre-set - pre-set
proofread - proofread - proofread
prove - proved - proven/proved
put - put - put
quit - quit/quitted - quit/ quitted
read - read (sounds like "red") - read (sounds like "red")
rebind - rebound - rebound
rebuild - rebuilt - rebuilt
recast - recast - recast
redo - redid - redone
re-lay (for example tiles) - re-laid - re-laid
remake - remade - remade
repay - repaid - repaid
rerun - reran - rerun
resell - resold - resold
reset - reset - reset
rethink - rethought - rethought
rewind - rewound - rewound
rewrite - rewrote - rewritten
rid - rid - rid
ride - rode - ridden
ring - rang - rung
rise - rose - risen
run - ran - run
say - said - said
see - saw - seen
seek - sought - sought
sell - sold - sold
send - sent - sent
set - set - set
sew - sewed - sewn/sewed
shake - shook - shaken
shear - sheared - shorn/sheared
shed - shed - shed
shine - shined/shone - shined/shone
shit - shit/shat - shit/shat
shoot - shot - shot
show - showed - shown/showed
shrink - shrank/shrunk - shrunk
shut - shut - shut
sing - sang - sung
sit - sat - sat
slay - slew - slain
sleep - slept - slept
slide - slid - slid
sling - slung - slung
slit - slit - slit
smell - smelled/smelt - smelled/smelt
speak - spoke - spoken
speed - sped/speeded - sped/speeded
spell - spelled/spelt - spelled/spelt
spend - spent - spent
spin - spun - spun
spit - spit/spat - spit/spat
split - split - split
spoil - spoiled/spoilt - spoiled/spoilt
spoon-feed - spoon-fed - spoon-fed
spread - spread - spread
spring - sprang/sprung - sprung
stand - stood - stood
steal - stole - stolen
stick - stuck - stuck
sting - stung - stung
stink - stank/stunk - stunk
strew - strewed - strewn/strewed
stride - strode - stridden
strive - strove - striven
strike (delete) - struck - stricken
strike (hit) - struck - struck/stricken
string - strung - strung
strive - strove/strived - striven/strived
swear - swore - sworn
sweep - swept - swept
swell - swelled - swollen,swelled
swim - swam - swum
swing - swung - swung
take - took - taken
teach - taught - taught
tear - tore - torn
tell - told - told
think - thought - thought
throw - threw - thrown
thrust - thrust - thrust
tread - trod - trodden, trod
unbind - unbound - unbound
underlie - underlay - underlain
understand - understood - understood
undertake - undertook - undertaken
underwrite - underwrote - underwritten
undo - undid - undone
unwind - unwound - unwound
uphold - upheld - upheld
upset - upset - upset
wake - woke/waked - woken/waked
wear - wore - worn
weave - wove - woven
wed - wed/wedded - wed/wedded
weep - wept - wept
wet - wet/wetted - wet/wetted
win - won - won
wind - wound - wound
withdraw - withdrew - withdrawn
wring - wrung - wrung
write - wrote - written
Wind shear is a difference in wind speed or direction between two points in the atmosphere.
윈드쉬어는 대기 중의 두 지점간의 풍속과 풍향의 차이이다.
Depending whether the two points are at different altitudes or at geographically different locations, shear can be either vertical or horizontal.
두 지점이 다른 고도인가, 다른 지리적위치인가에 따라 수직적, 혹은 수평적 쉬어가 된다.
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